Cracker of bitcoin addresses (p2pkh private keys) by brute forcing and brain forcing (includes dataset of 323,156 wallets with non-zero balance).
Notifies you in Telegram about the process and found (guessed) keys.
docker run --workers 2 --heartbit-sec 1 bruteforce
docker run --workers 2 --heartbit-sec 1 brainforce --pass-shuffle 3434
Argument | Description |
file | dataset file with bitcoin rich addresses (each compressed or uncompressed public address on a new line). Dataset is currently bundled with the fortune docker image |
workers | number of workers for parallel execution |
night | night or silent mode (reduced CPU usage) |
heartbit-sec | print status each N seconds to STDOUT |
telegram-ping-sec | send status each N seconds to telegram |
telegram-token | token of the telegram bot |
telegram-channel | @channel name for the notifications (bot should be added as an administrator) |
fortune - bitcoin wallet cracker
fortune [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
bruteforce run bruteforce against the dataset of rich addresses
random prints random address from the dataset files
generate random bitcoin address
brain generate brain wallet (based on a password as a first argument) and check it's current balance online
brainforce run bruteforce with alphabetical passwords permutations against the dataset of rich addresses
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--file value [ --file value ] dataset file with rich addresses (each compressed or uncompressed public address on a new line) (default: "addresses/Bitcoin/2023/04/p2pkh_Rich_Max_1.txt", "addresses/Bitcoin/2023/04/p2pkh_Rich_Max_10.txt", "addresses/Bitcoin/2023/04/p2pkh_Rich_Max_100.txt", "addresses/Bitcoin/2023/04/p2pkh_Rich_Max_1000.txt", "addresses/Bitcoin/2023/04/p2pkh_Rich_Max_10000.txt", "addresses/Bitcoin/2023/04/p2pkh_Rich_Max_100000.txt") [$FILE]
--workers value number of workers for parallel execution (default: 1) [$WORKERS]
--night night or silent mode (reduced CPU usage) (default: false) [$NIGHT]
--test-address value address to test dataset before running brute force (default: "1LQoWist8KkaUXSPKZHNvEyfrEkPHzSsCd") [$TEST_ADDRESS]
--heartbit-sec value print status each N seconds to STDOUT (default: 10) [$HEARTBEAT_SEC]
--telegram-ping-sec value send status each N seconds to telegram (default: 3600) [$TELEGRAM_PING_SEC]
--telegram-token value token of the telegram bot [$TELEGRAM_TOKEN]
--telegram-channel value @channel name for the notifications (bot should be added as an administrator) [$TELEGRAM_CHANNEL]
--help, -h show help
--version, -v print the version
To find a key from a rich bitcoin brain wallet using brute force method,
you can use the command brainforce
fortune brainforce
--pass-length 5 # password length
--pass-alphabet english-lower # one of "digits", "symbols", "english-lower",
# or "english-upper" (can take many arguments)
--pass-alphabet abc # any characters without separator
--pass-state "" # the end state from the previous run
# (to continue instead of starting all over again)
--pass-shuffle 0 # shuffle the alphabet before run
# (argument is a seed for random, 0 means no shuffle)
In order to check the correctness of the notifications,
as well as the correctness of the rich addresses dataset files,
run the bruteforce
command with the public address in the
dataset as an argument.
This will create a key gen mock and allow you to check if the address exists in the dataset:
fortune bruteforce 1LQoWist8KkaUXSPKZHNvEyfrEkPHzSsCd
To check the notification of a successful detection of a brain wallet, you can also mock the password base key generator:
# 1) generate a brain bitcoin address with password "foo"
fortune brain foo
# 1) copy one of public address of the brain wallet and
# mock the data set by adding this address as the first
# command argument
fortune brainforce --pass-length 3 --pass-alphabet fo 1LEH8BEZgC4onZ4GLm8UpZ3vXGAr6LYKST