A YouTube like video sharing application which is decentralized.
It uses the ethereum smart contract functionality.
Make sure you have the following pre-requisites:
MetaMask Chrome Extension and a MetaMask account. If not visit https://metamask.io/
Ganache for making a local etherium development environment. https://www.trufflesuite.com/ganache
Truffle for compilation, running scripts, testing, etc. https://www.trufflesuite.com/docs/truffle/overview
To run the program first clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/yashraj-02-techie/video-sharing-dapp.git
Then install the packages using npm
npm install
Connect your local etherium environment to MetaMask wallet
Find customRPC option under networks and then add the URL from the Ganache GUI. Add Chain ID as 1337
Once you are connected you can then run the command
npm run start
This would load the front-end written in react
-> Improve the UI
-> Deployment
-> Improving the code as I learn more