Web Bluetooth examples with Adafruit Feather nRF52832
This repository contains full examples to help you get started with Web Bluetooth. You will find both the embedded code for setting up a basic bluetooth device and the JavaScript code for connecting to and controlling that device from the web browser.
In order to understand how to work with Web Bluetooth, you first must know about the following concepts, and in the order shown:
- Document Object Model
- Event Listeners in JavaScript
- Arrow Function in JavaScript
- Promises in JavaScript
- Async / Await in JavaScript
- Bluetooth Services and Characteristics
- Data Buffer Concepts in JavaScript: TypedArray, ArrayBuffer, DataView, etc.
Here are some additional helpful resources about web-bluetooth specifically:
- Web Bluetooth Examples: https://googlechrome.github.io/samples/web-bluetooth/index.html
- Talk about web Bluetooth: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDc5HUVMI5U
You can start playing with the example web-apps in this repository by launching them directly from here.