This project consists of a Log Ingestor and a Query Interface designed to efficiently handle vast volumes of log data with a simple CLI for querying using full-text search or specific field filters.
The Log Ingestor is a system designed in Golang. It is responsible for handling and processing logs. The process is as follows:
- When logs are populated to port 3000, the system sends these logs to a queue in RabbitMQ.
- A worker process then dequeues the logs from RabbitMQ, processes them, and stores them in the database.
- The database indexing is done to facilitate efficient querying and retrieval of logs.
- Golang: The primary language used to build the Log Ingestor.
- RabbitMQ: Used for queuing the logs for asynchronous processing.
- PostgreSQL: The database where processed logs are stored. Indexing is done in the database to optimize log retrieval.
git clone
cd log-ingestor
docker-compose up -d
You can access the server at: http://localhost:3000
environment variables
DB_HOST = localhost
DB_USER = shubham
DB_PASSWORD = jarvis
DB_NAME = logsdb
DB_SSL_MODE = disable
AMQP_URL = amqp://rabbitmq:5672
The Query Interface is a Command Line Interface (CLI) designed to apply filters to the logs for easy retrieval. It has the following features:
- Implemented search within specific date ranges.
- Allows combining multiple filters.
- Implemented role-based access to the query interface.
- Python: The primary language used to build the Query Interface.
- Click: A Python package for creating beautiful command line interfaces in a composable way.
git clone
cd query interface
Install the necessary package from requirements.txt
pip install -r requrements.txt
python login
Enter Username and Password (admin has the access)
username: admin password : admin
- search logs accoring to the filters as following:
You are logged in as admin
1. Search logs
2. Logout
Choose an option (1 or 2):
- Search accorging to the filters
Search logs:
Enter log level (optional) []: error
Enter log message (optional) []:
Enter resource ID (optional) []:
Enter timestamp (optional) []:
Enter trace ID (optional) []:
Enter span ID (optional) []:
Enter commit (optional) []:
Enter parent resource ID (optional) []:
Enter start date (optional, format: YYYY-MM-DD) []:
Enter end date (optional, format: YYYY-MM-DD) []:
The CLI for querying logs currently uses HTTP calls for database operations. A more efficient method could be implemented to improve performance.
A NoSQL database could be used for better filtration of logs. This would allow for more flexible and efficient querying.