TypeScript package for encrypting & decrypting secrets in and loading config from .env files. Leverages asymmetric keys so that any developer with access can add & update secrets, but only those with the private key (typically admins and your infrastructure itself) can decrypt secrets.
A pair of RSA-2048 keys (one public, one private) are generated as your encryption keys. For each secret that needs to be encrypted:
- a random AES-256 key is generated
- the secret is encrypted with the AES-256 key
- the key is wrapped with the public RSA key
- the version number (of the encryption scheme), the encrypted/wrapped key, the AES IV, and the AES-encrypted secret are combined into a single payload
- the plaintext secret is replaced with the payload, base64-encoded (and a prefix/suffix to indicate that it's an encrypted value)
yarn add @signal24/config
Generate a key pair:
npx config-cli generate-keys
# alternatively, use Docker:
docker run --rm -it ghcr.io/signal24/node-config generate-keys
Create a .env file with typical key=value
pairs, but suffix any secret key with _SECRET
. For example:
CONFIG_ENCRYPTION_KEY=...copied from above...
Encrypt the secrets:
npx config-cli encrypt .env
# alternatively, use Docker
docker run --rm -it -v `pwd`:/src -w /src ghcr.io/signal24/node-config encrypt .env
Your .env file now contains encrypted values:
CONFIG_ENCRYPTION_KEY=...copied from above...
New values can be added or existing values updated, and then simply re-run the encrypt command to encrypt the new values.
import { loadConfig } from '@signal24/config';
const config = loadConfig();
// or
const config = loadConfig({
// key?: string
// the decryption key. defaults to process.env.CONFIG_DECRYPTION_KEY
key: '...long key...'
// file?: string | string[]
// files to load config from
// default: ['.env', '.env.local']
// note: in the case of overlapping keys, values loaded later will take priority
// note: .env.*.local should be added to .gitignore
file: '.env.example',
// or
file: ['.env.example-a', '.env.example-b'],
// env?: string
// an alternative to specifying files. automatically composes file list.
// resulting files list: ['.env', '.env.local', '.env.YOURENV', '.env.YOURENV.local']
env: 'production',
// mergeProcessEnv?: boolean
// automatically merge process.env values into the resulting config object
// defaults to true
import { loadConfigIntoEnv } from '@signal24/config';
// same options as above
node -r @signal24/config/load your-app.js
This invocation will load, decrypt, and parse the .env
and .env.local
files (in addition to environment-specific files; see below) into process.env
The env
key above will be set to APP_ENV
environment variable, if set.
Be sure the decryption key is set as CONFIG_DECRYPTION_KEY
in your environment.
Using specific files:
eval $(npx config-cli sh .env .env.local .env.staging)
# alternatively, use Docker
eval $(docker run --rm -it -v `pwd`:/src -w /src ghcr.io/signal24/node-config sh .env .env.local .env.staging)
Or, using an automatic file list based on environment name:
eval $(npx config-cli shenv staging)
# alternatively, use Docker
eval $(docker run --rm -it -v `pwd`:/src -w /src ghcr.io/signal24/node-config shenv staging)
Be sure the decryption key is set as CONFIG_DECRYPTION_KEY
in your environment.
in the environment:
npx config-cli decrypt .env
# alternatively, use Docker
docker run --rm -it -v `pwd`:/src -w /src ghcr.io/signal24/node-config decrypt .env
Or, specified as a parameter:
npx config-cli decrypt -k "LONG_DECRYPTION_KEY" .env
# alternatively, use Docker
docker run --rm -it -v `pwd`:/src -w /src ghcr.io/signal24/node-config decrypt -k "LONG_DECRYPTION_KEY" .env
parseEnvContent(rawDotenvContent: string, decryptionKey?: string): Record<string, string>
- Parses string content (in dotenv format), decrypts (if a key is provided), and returns an object of keys and values.
encryptConfigData(key: string, data: Record<string, string>): Record<string, string>
- Returns an object of keys and values where the value of any key suffixed with
is encrypted.
- Returns an object of keys and values where the value of any key suffixed with
decryptConfigData(key: string, data: Record<string, string>): Record<string, string>
- Returns an object of keys and values, decrypting any value that is encrypted.