This is the Meteor app that coordinates solving for the MIT Mystery Hunt team affiliated with Simmons Hall. Officially, our name is Wafflehaüs, although we occasionally go by Simhunt.
This app is based on Galackboard (developed by ✈✈✈ Galactic Trendsetters ✈✈✈), which in turn is based on the Codex Blackboard (developed by Codex).
The app is a work in progress. Proceed with caution.
To run in development mode:
$ cd wow
$ meteor --settings private/settings.json
<browse to localhost:3000>
The settings.json file has the following structure:
"key": the RSA private key for a Google Cloud service account,
"email": the email address for the Google Cloud service account,
"folder": a name for the Google Drive folder that you want to use for this deployment;
can be shared by using the dropdown menu at the top right of the app
(note that this is NOT a folder ID--it is a name for a new folder that will
be created by the service account),
"template": the Google Drive ID of the spreadsheet that is being used
as a template to create other spreadsheets,
"discordToken": the token for a Discord bot,
"discordServerName": the server name that the Discord bot should listen to,
"discordSwarmChannel": (AS A STRING, NOT A NUMBER) the ID of a channel, in the server with `discordServerName`, that should be used to notify hunters of which puzzles currently have an `all hands (swarm)` tag,
"teampassword": the password that people who visit the app must enter to use it
For the contents of the settings.json
file which actually make Google Drive and Discord integration work, contact Jenna Himawan.
If you're running under Windows Subsystem for Linux, and you want to use your Windows partition for the git repo (e.g. so you can use the native GitHub client and/or graphical editors) you will need to mount a directory on the virtual Linux filesystem as .meteor/local. You will also need to store your settings.json file on the virtual Linux filesystem.
Our blackboard app currently uses Meteor 2.2.
At the moment the two ways to install Meteor are:
- just make a git clone of the meteor repo and put it in $PATH, or
- use the package downloaded by their install shell script
The latter option is easier, and automatically downloads the correct
version of meteor and all its dependencies, based on the contents of
. Simply cross your fingers, trust
in the meteor devs, and do:
$ curl | /bin/sh
You can read the script and manually install meteor this way as well;
it just involves downloading a binary distribution and installing it
in ~/.meteor
If piping stuff from the internet directly to /bin/sh
gives you the
willies, then you can also run from a git checkout. Something like:
$ cd ~/3rdParty
$ git clone git://
$ cd meteor
$ git checkout release/[email protected]
$ cd ~/bin ; ln -s ~/3rdParty/meteor/meteor .
Meteor can run directly from its checkout, and figure out where to
find the rest of its files itself --- but it only follows a single symlink
to its binary; a symlink can't point to another symlink. If you use a
git checkout, you will be responsible for updating your checkout to
the latest version of meteor when simhunt/.meteor/release
You should probably watch the screencast at to get a sense of the framework; you might also want to check out the examples they've posted, too.
WOW is usually run on an subdomain (URL not provided for safety reasons). This subdomain is owned by [email protected]. To have your private key added so that you can publish to that subdomain, please contact them.
Publishing is done via Meteor Up, aka mup
. Installation instructions can be found here. For the actual contents of .deploy/mup.js
or .deploy/settings.js
, contact Jenna Himawan.
Useful mup
commands (all done from .deploy
- to restart meteor project:
mup restart
- to deploy meteor project:
mup deploy
- to reset database:
mup mongo shell
use app
- to see logs in real time:
mup logs -f
Alternatively, WOW can be deployed like all Meteor 2.0+ apps using Meteor free deploy. Simply run:
meteor deploy --free --mongo --settings pathto/settings.json
And your instance should launching using Galaxy, the hosting offer inside Meteor cloud.
To add DAPHNE to a new Discord server (aka guild), a member of the Simhunt Discord Developer Organization must visit[CLIENT_ID]&scope=bot&permissions=8
in a browser and log in.
is DAPHNE's application ID, which is found under General Information from the Bot Management pagepermissions=8
gives DAPHNE Administrator status in the guild. We could probably use narrower permissions, but I don't really see a reason to make things complicated.