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Frontend building for sitegeist TYPO3 projects based on vite


  1. Setup
  2. Settings
  3. Usage
  4. Example Settings file


Step 1

yarn add @sitegeist/vitesse


npm install @sitegeist/vitesse --save-dev

Step 2

If you are not using typed imports (e.g. import { value, type Type } from 'somewhere' instead of import { value, Type } from 'somewhere'), add this option to your tsconfig.json file:

    "compilerOptions": {
      "verbatimModuleSyntax": true,

If the file doesn't exist yet, create it.

Step 3

Create a vitesse.config.json file and add your build settings


Setting Type Default
extensionPath String /typo3conf/ext/sitepackage/
build.inputFiles Array - (mandatory)
build.outputPath String ./Resources/Public/Build/
build.outputFilePattern String [name].min.js
build.tailwindConfigFile String ./tailwind.config.js
build.svelteConfigFile String ./svelte.config.js
spritemap.prefix String
spritemap.inputFiles String ./Resources/Private/Images/SVG-Icons/**/*.svg
spritemap.outputPath String ./Resources/Public/Images/
spritemap.outputFileName String svg-icons.svg
emptyOutDir Boolean false
excludeTailwind Boolean false
includeSvelte Boolean false
modulePreload Boolean true


Run the commands vitesse for build or vitesse --watch for watcher or add this to your package.json file:

    "scripts": {
        "build": "vitesse",
        "watch": "vitesse --watch"

Example Settings file

	"extensionPath": "/vendor/sitegeist/sitepackage/",
	"build": {
		"inputFiles": [
		"outputPath": "./Resources/Public/Build/",
		"outputFilePattern": "[name].min.js"
	"spritemap": {
		"prefix": "abc-",
		"inputFiles": "./Resources/Public/Icons/SVG-Sprite/**/*.svg",
		"outputPath": "./Resources/Public/Build/Images/",
		"outputFileName": "svg-icons.svg"
	"emptyOutDir": false,
	"excludeTailwind": false,
	"includeSvelte": true,
	"modulePreload": false