Development ideas for Sixteen Colors
A pinterest-inspired layout to see the full thumbnail of every element in a pack/search/etc
- Pull pack listing from API
- Display in pinterest-like layout
- Show lightbox on click
- Show loading message while images load
- Make lightbox show previous and next image as thumbnail to navigate
- Show "progress" in lightbox (image in pack, rather than numbered, as f2/f4 blocks or similar)
- Make "Loading" message ANSI blocks (or something) and centered
- Show artwork details in lightbox
- Enable navigation between year/pack structure
- Implement JS front-end framework
- Make Masonry layout responsive (it pretty much looks great out of the box)
- Make Colorbox/whatever mobile friendly
- Gracefeully handle device full zoom of image -- perhaps make layout so that it automatically fills width of screen
- Make navigation smooth between images when in colorbox/whatever