Exposes access to a JMX endpoint (MBeanServer) through a webapp, ie a hosted jconsole that can be embedded anywhere. Allows viewing, editting, etc.
Heavily based on code in JBoss 6 (but appears to be dropped in JBoss 7). Thanks Red Hat!
To point it at a remote endpoint, add e.g. jmxconsole.webapp.target.url=service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi:// to the http request (or a servlet attribute, or system property, then finally it will default to a same-jvm platform server).
You can see more screenshots in the usage of this webapp in the brooklyn-jmx-console-demo project, where this is used to drill-down on JMX details exposed by Brooklyn entities.
- Authenticated JMX support (SSL, user, and password)
- Better rendering (eg arrays)
- Better "fromString" parsing (see eg brooklyn TypeCoercions)
- Better property editors (cf JBoss 6 PropertyEditors)
- User-level entitlements for visibility, invocation, etc