WIP #49
Xcode test results
Build Summary
Emitting module for OAuth2
error: Swift Compiler Error: Concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
error: Swift Compiler Error: Concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
error: Swift Compiler Error: Concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
error: Swift Compiler Error: Concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
error: Swift Compiler Error: Concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
error: Swift Compiler Error: 'Task' is only available in iOS 13.0 or newer
error: Swift Compiler Error: Concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
error: Swift Compiler Error: Concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
error: Swift Compiler Error: Concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
error: Swift Compiler Error: Concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
error: Swift Compiler Error: Concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
error: Swift Compiler Error: Concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
error: Swift Compiler Error: Concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
error: Swift Compiler Error: Concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
error: Swift Compiler Error: Concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
error: Swift Compiler Error: Concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
error: Swift Compiler Error: Concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
error: Swift Compiler Error: Concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
error: Swift Compiler Error: Concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
error: Swift Compiler Error: Concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
error: Swift Compiler Error: Concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
error: Swift Compiler Error: Concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
error: Swift Compiler Error: Concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
Sources/Base/OAuth2Requestable.swift:117:41: error: concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
open func perform(request: URLRequest) async -> OAuth2Response {
Sources/Base/OAuth2Requestable.swift:117:12: note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
open func perform(request: URLRequest) async -> OAuth2Response {
Sources/Base/OAuth2Requestable.swift:37:12: note: add @available attribute to enclosing class
open class OAuth2Requestable {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2DeviceGrant.swift:84:94: error: concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
public func start(useNonTextualTransmission: Bool = false, params: OAuth2StringDict? = nil) async throws -> DeviceAuthorization {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2DeviceGrant.swift:84:14: note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
public func start(useNonTextualTransmission: Bool = false, params: OAuth2StringDict? = nil) async throws -> DeviceAuthorization {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2DeviceGrant.swift:27:12: note: add @available attribute to enclosing class
open class OAuth2DeviceGrant: OAuth2 {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2DeviceGrant.swift:130:58: error: concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
private func authorizeDevice(params: OAuth2StringDict?) async throws -> OAuth2JSON {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2DeviceGrant.swift:130:15: note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
private func authorizeDevice(params: OAuth2StringDict?) async throws -> OAuth2JSON {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2DeviceGrant.swift:27:12: note: add @available attribute to enclosing class
open class OAuth2DeviceGrant: OAuth2 {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2DeviceGrant.swift:145:80: error: concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
private func getDeviceAccessToken(deviceCode: String, interval: TimeInterval) async throws -> OAuth2JSON {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2DeviceGrant.swift:145:15: note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
private func getDeviceAccessToken(deviceCode: String, interval: TimeInterval) async throws -> OAuth2JSON {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2DeviceGrant.swift:27:12: note: add @available attribute to enclosing class
open class OAuth2DeviceGrant: OAuth2 {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2DeviceGrant.swift:174:37: error: concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
static func sleep(seconds: Double) async throws {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2DeviceGrant.swift:174:14: note: add @available attribute to enclosing static method
static func sleep(seconds: Double) async throws {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2DeviceGrant.swift:173:13: note: add @available attribute to enclosing extension
fileprivate extension Task where Success == Never, Failure == Never {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2DeviceGrant.swift:173:23: error: 'Task' is only available in iOS 13.0 or newer
fileprivate extension Task where Success == Never, Failure == Never {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2DeviceGrant.swift:173:13: note: add @available attribute to enclosing extension
fileprivate extension Task where Success == Never, Failure == Never {
Sources/Base/OAuth2RequestPerformer.swift:25:36: error: concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
func perform(request: URLRequest) async throws -> (Data, URLResponse)
Sources/Base/OAuth2RequestPerformer.swift:25:7: note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
func perform(request: URLRequest) async throws -> (Data, URLResponse)
Sources/Base/OAuth2RequestPerformer.swift:17:17: note: add @available attribute to enclosing protocol
public protocol OAuth2RequestPerformer {
Sources/Base/OAuth2RequestPerformer.swift:50:41: error: concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
open func perform(request: URLRequest) async throws -> (Data, URLResponse) {
Sources/Base/OAuth2RequestPerformer.swift:50:12: note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
open func perform(request: URLRequest) async throws -> (Data, URLResponse) {
Sources/Base/OAuth2RequestPerformer.swift:32:12: note: add @available attribute to enclosing class
open class OAuth2DataTaskRequestPerformer: OAuth2RequestPerformer {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2PasswordGrant.swift:102:66: error: concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
override open func doAuthorize(params: OAuth2StringDict? = nil) async throws {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2PasswordGrant.swift:102:21: note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
override open func doAuthorize(params: OAuth2StringDict? = nil) async throws {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2PasswordGrant.swift:53:12: note: add @available attribute to enclosing class
open class OAuth2PasswordGrant: OAuth2 {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2PasswordGrant.swift:152:84: error: concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
@discardableResult public func tryCredentials(username: String, password: String) async throws -> OAuth2JSON {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2PasswordGrant.swift:152:33: note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
@discardableResult public func tryCredentials(username: String, password: String) async throws -> OAuth2JSON {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2PasswordGrant.swift:53:12: note: add @available attribute to enclosing class
open class OAuth2PasswordGrant: OAuth2 {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2PasswordGrant.swift:219:65: error: concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
public func obtainAccessToken(params: OAuth2StringDict? = nil) async throws -> OAuth2JSON {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2PasswordGrant.swift:219:14: note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
public func obtainAccessToken(params: OAuth2StringDict? = nil) async throws -> OAuth2JSON {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2PasswordGrant.swift:53:12: note: add @available attribute to enclosing class
open class OAuth2PasswordGrant: OAuth2 {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2ClientCredentials.swift:36:75: error: concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
override open func doAuthorize(params inParams: OAuth2StringDict? = nil) async {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2ClientCredentials.swift:36:21: note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
override open func doAuthorize(params inParams: OAuth2StringDict? = nil) async {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2ClientCredentials.swift:30:12: note: add @available attribute to enclosing class
open class OAuth2ClientCredentials: OAuth2 {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2ClientCredentials.swift:75:65: error: concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
public func obtainAccessToken(params: OAuth2StringDict? = nil) async throws -> OAuth2JSON {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2ClientCredentials.swift:75:14: note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
public func obtainAccessToken(params: OAuth2StringDict? = nil) async throws -> OAuth2JSON {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2ClientCredentials.swift:30:12: note: add @available attribute to enclosing class
open class OAuth2ClientCredentials: OAuth2 {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2.swift:102:63: error: concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
public final func authorize(params: OAuth2StringDict? = nil) async throws -> OAuth2JSON? {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2.swift:102:20: note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
public final func authorize(params: OAuth2StringDict? = nil) async throws -> OAuth2JSON? {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2.swift:37:12: note: add @available attribute to enclosing class
open class OAuth2: OAuth2Base {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2.swift:158:76: error: concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
open func tryToObtainAccessTokenIfNeeded(params: OAuth2StringDict? = nil) async throws -> OAuth2JSON? {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2.swift:158:12: note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
open func tryToObtainAccessTokenIfNeeded(params: OAuth2StringDict? = nil) async throws -> OAuth2JSON? {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2.swift:37:12: note: add @available attribute to enclosing class
open class OAuth2: OAuth2Base {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2.swift:188:57: error: concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
open func doAuthorize(params: OAuth2StringDict? = nil) async throws {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2.swift:188:12: note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
open func doAuthorize(params: OAuth2StringDict? = nil) async throws {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2.swift:37:12: note: add @available attribute to enclosing class
open class OAuth2: OAuth2Base {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2.swift:333:60: error: concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
open func doRefreshToken(params: OAuth2StringDict? = nil) async throws -> OAuth2JSON {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2.swift:333:12: note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
open func doRefreshToken(params: OAuth2StringDict? = nil) async throws -> OAuth2JSON {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2.swift:37:12: note: add @available attribute to enclosing class
open class OAuth2: OAuth2Base {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2.swift:393:111: error: concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
open func doExchangeRefreshToken(audienceClientId: String, traceId: String, params: OAuth2StringDict? = nil) async throws -> String {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2.swift:393:12: note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
open func doExchangeRefreshToken(audienceClientId: String, traceId: String, params: OAuth2StringDict? = nil) async throws -> String {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2.swift:37:12: note: add @available attribute to enclosing class
open class OAuth2: OAuth2Base {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2.swift:474:100: error: concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
open func doExchangeAccessTokenForResource(resourcePath: String, params: OAuth2StringDict? = nil) async throws -> String {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2.swift:474:12: note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
open func doExchangeAccessTokenForResource(resourcePath: String, params: OAuth2StringDict? = nil) async throws -> String {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2.swift:37:12: note: add @available attribute to enclosing class
open class OAuth2: OAuth2Base {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2.swift:508:39: error: concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
public func registerClientIfNeeded() async throws -> OAuth2JSON? {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2.swift:508:14: note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
public func registerClientIfNeeded() async throws -> OAuth2JSON? {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2.swift:37:12: note: add @available attribute to enclosing class
open class OAuth2: OAuth2Base {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2CodeGrant.swift:97:51: error: concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
public func exchangeCodeForToken(_ code: String) async {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2CodeGrant.swift:97:14: note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
public func exchangeCodeForToken(_ code: String) async {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2CodeGrant.swift:34:12: note: add @available attribute to enclosing class
open class OAuth2CodeGrant: OAuth2 {
Sources/DataLoader/OAuth2DataLoader.swift:165:33: error: concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
open func attemptToAuthorize() async throws -> OAuth2JSON? {
Sources/DataLoader/OAuth2DataLoader.swift:165:12: note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
open func attemptToAuthorize() async throws -> OAuth2JSON? {
Sources/DataLoader/OAuth2DataLoader.swift:31:12: note: add @available attribute to enclosing class
open class OAuth2DataLoader: OAuth2Requestable {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2DynReg.swift:56:37: error: concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
open func register(client: OAuth2) async throws -> OAuth2JSON {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2DynReg.swift:56:12: note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
open func register(client: OAuth2) async throws -> OAuth2JSON {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2DynReg.swift:35:12: note: add @available attribute to enclosing class
open class OAuth2DynReg {
Compile OAuth2Base.swift (arm64)
Compile OAuth2Authorizer+iOS.swift (arm64)
Compile OAuth2CustomAuthorizerUI.swift (arm64)
Compile OAuth2AuthorizerUI.swift (arm64)
Compile OAuth2DataRequest.swift (arm64)
Compile OAuth2DebugURLSessionDelegate.swift (arm64)
Compile OAuth2RequestPerformer.swift (arm64)
error: Swift Compiler Error: Concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
error: Swift Compiler Error: Concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
error: Swift Compiler Error: 'data(for:delegate:)' is only available in iOS 15.0 or newer
Sources/Base/OAuth2RequestPerformer.swift:25:36: error: concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
func perform(request: URLRequest) async throws -> (Data, URLResponse)
Sources/Base/OAuth2RequestPerformer.swift:25:7: note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
func perform(request: URLRequest) async throws -> (Data, URLResponse)
Sources/Base/OAuth2RequestPerformer.swift:17:17: note: add @available attribute to enclosing protocol
public protocol OAuth2RequestPerformer {
Sources/Base/OAuth2RequestPerformer.swift:50:41: error: concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
open func perform(request: URLRequest) async throws -> (Data, URLResponse) {
Sources/Base/OAuth2RequestPerformer.swift:50:12: note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
open func perform(request: URLRequest) async throws -> (Data, URLResponse) {
Sources/Base/OAuth2RequestPerformer.swift:32:12: note: add @available attribute to enclosing class
open class OAuth2DataTaskRequestPerformer: OAuth2RequestPerformer {
Sources/Base/OAuth2RequestPerformer.swift:51:21: error: 'data(for:delegate:)' is only available in iOS 15.0 or newer
try await session.data(for: request)
Sources/Base/OAuth2RequestPerformer.swift:51:21: note: add 'if #available' version check
try await session.data(for: request)
Sources/Base/OAuth2RequestPerformer.swift:50:12: note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
open func perform(request: URLRequest) async throws -> (Data, URLResponse) {
Sources/Base/OAuth2RequestPerformer.swift:32:12: note: add @available attribute to enclosing class
open class OAuth2DataTaskRequestPerformer: OAuth2RequestPerformer {
Compile OAuth2PasswordGrant.swift (arm64)
error: Swift Compiler Error: Concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
error: Swift Compiler Error: Concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
error: Swift Compiler Error: Concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
Sources/Flows/OAuth2PasswordGrant.swift:102:66: error: concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
override open func doAuthorize(params: OAuth2StringDict? = nil) async throws {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2PasswordGrant.swift:102:21: note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
override open func doAuthorize(params: OAuth2StringDict? = nil) async throws {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2PasswordGrant.swift:53:12: note: add @available attribute to enclosing class
open class OAuth2PasswordGrant: OAuth2 {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2PasswordGrant.swift:152:84: error: concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
@discardableResult public func tryCredentials(username: String, password: String) async throws -> OAuth2JSON {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2PasswordGrant.swift:152:33: note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
@discardableResult public func tryCredentials(username: String, password: String) async throws -> OAuth2JSON {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2PasswordGrant.swift:53:12: note: add @available attribute to enclosing class
open class OAuth2PasswordGrant: OAuth2 {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2PasswordGrant.swift:219:65: error: concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
public func obtainAccessToken(params: OAuth2StringDict? = nil) async throws -> OAuth2JSON {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2PasswordGrant.swift:219:14: note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
public func obtainAccessToken(params: OAuth2StringDict? = nil) async throws -> OAuth2JSON {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2PasswordGrant.swift:53:12: note: add @available attribute to enclosing class
open class OAuth2PasswordGrant: OAuth2 {
Compile OAuth2ImplicitGrant.swift (arm64)
Compile OAuth2ClientCredentials.swift (arm64)
error: Swift Compiler Error: Concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
error: Swift Compiler Error: Concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
error: Swift Compiler Error: 'Task' is only available in iOS 13.0 or newer
error: Swift Compiler Error: 'init(priority:operation:)' is only available in iOS 13.0 or newer
Sources/Flows/OAuth2ClientCredentials.swift:36:75: error: concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
override open func doAuthorize(params inParams: OAuth2StringDict? = nil) async {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2ClientCredentials.swift:36:21: note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
override open func doAuthorize(params inParams: OAuth2StringDict? = nil) async {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2ClientCredentials.swift:30:12: note: add @available attribute to enclosing class
open class OAuth2ClientCredentials: OAuth2 {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2ClientCredentials.swift:75:65: error: concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
public func obtainAccessToken(params: OAuth2StringDict? = nil) async throws -> OAuth2JSON {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2ClientCredentials.swift:75:14: note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
public func obtainAccessToken(params: OAuth2StringDict? = nil) async throws -> OAuth2JSON {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2ClientCredentials.swift:30:12: note: add @available attribute to enclosing class
open class OAuth2ClientCredentials: OAuth2 {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2ClientCredentials.swift:37:3: error: 'Task' is only available in iOS 13.0 or newer
Task {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2ClientCredentials.swift:37:3: note: add 'if #available' version check
Task {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2ClientCredentials.swift:36:21: note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
override open func doAuthorize(params inParams: OAuth2StringDict? = nil) async {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2ClientCredentials.swift:30:12: note: add @available attribute to enclosing class
open class OAuth2ClientCredentials: OAuth2 {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2ClientCredentials.swift:37:3: error: 'init(priority:operation:)' is only available in iOS 13.0 or newer
Task {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2ClientCredentials.swift:37:3: note: add 'if #available' version check
Task {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2ClientCredentials.swift:36:21: note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
override open func doAuthorize(params inParams: OAuth2StringDict? = nil) async {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2ClientCredentials.swift:30:12: note: add @available attribute to enclosing class
open class OAuth2ClientCredentials: OAuth2 {
Compile OAuth2ClientCredentialsReddit.swift (arm64)
Compile OAuth2.swift (arm64)
error: Swift Compiler Error: Concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
error: Swift Compiler Error: Concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
error: Swift Compiler Error: Concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
error: Swift Compiler Error: Concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
error: Swift Compiler Error: Concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
error: Swift Compiler Error: Concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
error: Swift Compiler Error: Concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
Sources/Flows/OAuth2.swift:102:63: error: concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
public final func authorize(params: OAuth2StringDict? = nil) async throws -> OAuth2JSON? {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2.swift:102:20: note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
public final func authorize(params: OAuth2StringDict? = nil) async throws -> OAuth2JSON? {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2.swift:37:12: note: add @available attribute to enclosing class
open class OAuth2: OAuth2Base {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2.swift:158:76: error: concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
open func tryToObtainAccessTokenIfNeeded(params: OAuth2StringDict? = nil) async throws -> OAuth2JSON? {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2.swift:158:12: note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
open func tryToObtainAccessTokenIfNeeded(params: OAuth2StringDict? = nil) async throws -> OAuth2JSON? {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2.swift:37:12: note: add @available attribute to enclosing class
open class OAuth2: OAuth2Base {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2.swift:188:57: error: concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
open func doAuthorize(params: OAuth2StringDict? = nil) async throws {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2.swift:188:12: note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
open func doAuthorize(params: OAuth2StringDict? = nil) async throws {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2.swift:37:12: note: add @available attribute to enclosing class
open class OAuth2: OAuth2Base {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2.swift:333:60: error: concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
open func doRefreshToken(params: OAuth2StringDict? = nil) async throws -> OAuth2JSON {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2.swift:333:12: note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
open func doRefreshToken(params: OAuth2StringDict? = nil) async throws -> OAuth2JSON {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2.swift:37:12: note: add @available attribute to enclosing class
open class OAuth2: OAuth2Base {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2.swift:393:111: error: concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
open func doExchangeRefreshToken(audienceClientId: String, traceId: String, params: OAuth2StringDict? = nil) async throws -> String {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2.swift:393:12: note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
open func doExchangeRefreshToken(audienceClientId: String, traceId: String, params: OAuth2StringDict? = nil) async throws -> String {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2.swift:37:12: note: add @available attribute to enclosing class
open class OAuth2: OAuth2Base {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2.swift:474:100: error: concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
open func doExchangeAccessTokenForResource(resourcePath: String, params: OAuth2StringDict? = nil) async throws -> String {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2.swift:474:12: note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
open func doExchangeAccessTokenForResource(resourcePath: String, params: OAuth2StringDict? = nil) async throws -> String {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2.swift:37:12: note: add @available attribute to enclosing class
open class OAuth2: OAuth2Base {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2.swift:508:39: error: concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
public func registerClientIfNeeded() async throws -> OAuth2JSON? {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2.swift:508:14: note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
public func registerClientIfNeeded() async throws -> OAuth2JSON? {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2.swift:37:12: note: add @available attribute to enclosing class
open class OAuth2: OAuth2Base {
Compile OAuth2Response.swift (arm64)
Compile OAuth2CodeGrant.swift (arm64)
error: Swift Compiler Error: Concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
error: Swift Compiler Error: 'Task' is only available in iOS 13.0 or newer
error: Swift Compiler Error: 'init(priority:operation:)' is only available in iOS 13.0 or newer
Sources/Flows/OAuth2CodeGrant.swift:97:51: error: concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
public func exchangeCodeForToken(_ code: String) async {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2CodeGrant.swift:97:14: note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
public func exchangeCodeForToken(_ code: String) async {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2CodeGrant.swift:34:12: note: add @available attribute to enclosing class
open class OAuth2CodeGrant: OAuth2 {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2CodeGrant.swift:83:4: error: 'Task' is only available in iOS 13.0 or newer
Task {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2CodeGrant.swift:83:4: note: add 'if #available' version check
Task {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2CodeGrant.swift:79:21: note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
override open func handleRedirectURL(_ redirect: URL) {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2CodeGrant.swift:34:12: note: add @available attribute to enclosing class
open class OAuth2CodeGrant: OAuth2 {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2CodeGrant.swift:83:4: error: 'init(priority:operation:)' is only available in iOS 13.0 or newer
Task {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2CodeGrant.swift:83:4: note: add 'if #available' version check
Task {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2CodeGrant.swift:79:21: note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
override open func handleRedirectURL(_ redirect: URL) {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2CodeGrant.swift:34:12: note: add @available attribute to enclosing class
open class OAuth2CodeGrant: OAuth2 {
Compile OAuth2DataLoader.swift (arm64)
error: Swift Compiler Error: Concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
error: Swift Compiler Error: 'Task' is only available in iOS 13.0 or newer
error: Swift Compiler Error: 'init(priority:operation:)' is only available in iOS 13.0 or newer
Sources/DataLoader/OAuth2DataLoader.swift:165:33: error: concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
open func attemptToAuthorize() async throws -> OAuth2JSON? {
Sources/DataLoader/OAuth2DataLoader.swift:165:12: note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
open func attemptToAuthorize() async throws -> OAuth2JSON? {
Sources/DataLoader/OAuth2DataLoader.swift:31:12: note: add @available attribute to enclosing class
open class OAuth2DataLoader: OAuth2Requestable {
Sources/DataLoader/OAuth2DataLoader.swift:115:3: error: 'Task' is only available in iOS 13.0 or newer
Task {
Sources/DataLoader/OAuth2DataLoader.swift:115:3: note: add 'if #available' version check
Task {
Sources/DataLoader/OAuth2DataLoader.swift:109:12: note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
open func perform(request: URLRequest, retry: Bool, callback: @escaping ((OAuth2Response) -> Void)) {
Sources/DataLoader/OAuth2DataLoader.swift:31:12: note: add @available attribute to enclosing class
open class OAuth2DataLoader: OAuth2Requestable {
Sources/DataLoader/OAuth2DataLoader.swift:115:3: error: 'init(priority:operation:)' is only available in iOS 13.0 or newer
Task {
Sources/DataLoader/OAuth2DataLoader.swift:115:3: note: add 'if #available' version check
Task {
Sources/DataLoader/OAuth2DataLoader.swift:109:12: note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
open func perform(request: URLRequest, retry: Bool, callback: @escaping ((OAuth2Response) -> Void)) {
Sources/DataLoader/OAuth2DataLoader.swift:31:12: note: add @available attribute to enclosing class
open class OAuth2DataLoader: OAuth2Requestable {
Compile OAuth2CodeGrantFacebook.swift (arm64)
Compile OAuth2CodeGrantBasicAuth.swift (arm64)
Compile OAuth2DynReg.swift (arm64)
error: Swift Compiler Error: Concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
Sources/Flows/OAuth2DynReg.swift:56:37: error: concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
open func register(client: OAuth2) async throws -> OAuth2JSON {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2DynReg.swift:56:12: note: add @available attribute to enclosing instance method
open func register(client: OAuth2) async throws -> OAuth2JSON {
Sources/Flows/OAuth2DynReg.swift:35:12: note: add @available attribute to enclosing class
open class OAuth2DynReg {
Compile OAuth2WebViewController+iOS.swift (arm64)
Compile OAuth2ClientConfig.swift (arm64)
Compile OAuth2Error.swift (arm64)
Compile OAuth2CustomAuthorizer+iOS.swift (arm64)
Check failure on line 117 in Sources/Base/OAuth2Requestable.swift
github-actions / results-xcode-tests-iOS
Concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
Check failure on line 84 in Sources/Flows/OAuth2DeviceGrant.swift
github-actions / results-xcode-tests-iOS
Concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
Check failure on line 130 in Sources/Flows/OAuth2DeviceGrant.swift
github-actions / results-xcode-tests-iOS
Concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
Check failure on line 145 in Sources/Flows/OAuth2DeviceGrant.swift
github-actions / results-xcode-tests-iOS
Concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
Check failure on line 174 in Sources/Flows/OAuth2DeviceGrant.swift
github-actions / results-xcode-tests-iOS
Concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
Check failure on line 173 in Sources/Flows/OAuth2DeviceGrant.swift
github-actions / results-xcode-tests-iOS
'Task' is only available in iOS 13.0 or newer
Check failure on line 25 in Sources/Base/OAuth2RequestPerformer.swift
github-actions / results-xcode-tests-iOS
Concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
Check failure on line 50 in Sources/Base/OAuth2RequestPerformer.swift
github-actions / results-xcode-tests-iOS
Concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
Check failure on line 102 in Sources/Flows/OAuth2PasswordGrant.swift
github-actions / results-xcode-tests-iOS
Concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
Check failure on line 152 in Sources/Flows/OAuth2PasswordGrant.swift
github-actions / results-xcode-tests-iOS
Concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
Check failure on line 219 in Sources/Flows/OAuth2PasswordGrant.swift
github-actions / results-xcode-tests-iOS
Concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
Check failure on line 36 in Sources/Flows/OAuth2ClientCredentials.swift
github-actions / results-xcode-tests-iOS
Concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
Check failure on line 75 in Sources/Flows/OAuth2ClientCredentials.swift
github-actions / results-xcode-tests-iOS
Concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
Check failure on line 102 in Sources/Flows/OAuth2.swift
github-actions / results-xcode-tests-iOS
Concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
Check failure on line 158 in Sources/Flows/OAuth2.swift
github-actions / results-xcode-tests-iOS
Concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
Check failure on line 188 in Sources/Flows/OAuth2.swift
github-actions / results-xcode-tests-iOS
Concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
Check failure on line 333 in Sources/Flows/OAuth2.swift
github-actions / results-xcode-tests-iOS
Concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
Check failure on line 393 in Sources/Flows/OAuth2.swift
github-actions / results-xcode-tests-iOS
Concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
Check failure on line 474 in Sources/Flows/OAuth2.swift
github-actions / results-xcode-tests-iOS
Concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
Check failure on line 508 in Sources/Flows/OAuth2.swift
github-actions / results-xcode-tests-iOS
Concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
Check failure on line 97 in Sources/Flows/OAuth2CodeGrant.swift
github-actions / results-xcode-tests-iOS
Concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
Check failure on line 165 in Sources/DataLoader/OAuth2DataLoader.swift
github-actions / results-xcode-tests-iOS
Concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
Check failure on line 56 in Sources/Flows/OAuth2DynReg.swift
github-actions / results-xcode-tests-iOS
Concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
Check failure on line 25 in Sources/Base/OAuth2RequestPerformer.swift
github-actions / results-xcode-tests-iOS
Concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer
Check failure on line 50 in Sources/Base/OAuth2RequestPerformer.swift
github-actions / results-xcode-tests-iOS
Concurrency is only available in iOS 13.0.0 or newer