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Reinforcement Learning

Reinforcing Your Learning of Reinforcement Learning.

这个是我在学习强化学习的过程中的一些记录,以及写的一些代码。建立这个Github项目主要是可以和大家一起相互学习和交流,也同时方便其他人寻找强化学习方面的资料。我为什么学习强化学习,主要是想把 AlphaZero 的那套方法(结合深度学习的蒙特卡洛树搜索)用在 RNA 分子结构预测上,目前已经做了一些尝试,比如寻找 RNA 分子的二级结构折叠路径。

首先看的书是 Richard S. Sutton 和 Andrew G. Barto 的 Reinforcement Learning: An Introduction (Second edition)


Table of contents


Bellman equation: Bellman equation

Frozen Lake Game

Frozen Lake Game

基于 Q-LearningFrozen Lake 游戏:[code]

Tic Tac Toe

Tic Tac Toe Tic Tac Toe Tic Tac Toe Tic Tac Toe Tic Tac Toe Tic Tac Toe Tic Tac Toe

基于 Q-Learning 玩井字棋游戏:[code]


Q-Learning Player vs Q-Learning Player
Train result - 100000 episodes
Q-Learning win rate: 0.45383
Q-Learning win rate: 0.3527
players draw rate: 0.19347

Q-Learning Player vs Random Player
Train result - 100000 episodes
Q-Learning win rate: 0.874
Random win rate: 0.03072
players draw rate: 0.09528

Taxi v2

Taxi v2 Taxi v2 Taxi v2 Taxi v2 Taxi v2 Taxi v2

基于 Q-LearningTaxi v2 游戏:[code]

[0]. Diving deeper into Reinforcement Learning with Q-Learning
[1]. Q* Learning with FrozenLake - Notebook
[2]. Q* Learning with OpenAI Taxi-v2 - Notebook

Deep Q-Learning Network

Deep Q-Learning Network

weights updation:

Doom Game

play Doom

游戏环境这里使用的是 ViZDoom ,神经网络是三层的卷积网络。[code]

DQN neural network

训练大约 1200 轮后结果如下:

Doom loss

Episode 0 Score: 61.0
Episode 1 Score: 68.0
Episode 2 Score: 51.0
Episode 3 Score: 62.0
Episode 4 Score: 56.0
Episode 5 Score: 33.0
Episode 6 Score: 86.0
Episode 7 Score: 57.0
Episode 8 Score: 88.0
Episode 9 Score: 61.0
[*] Average Score: 62.3

Atari Space Invaders

Atari Space Invaders

游戏环境使用的是 Gym Retro ,神经网络见下图。[code]

DQN neural network

训练大约 25 局后结果如下:

[*] Episode: 11, total reward: 120.0, explore p: 0.7587, train loss: 0.0127
[*] Episode: 12, total reward: 80.0, explore p: 0.7495, train loss: 0.0194
[*] Episode: 13, total reward: 110.0, explore p: 0.7409, train loss: 0.0037
[*] Episode: 14, total reward: 410.0, explore p: 0.7233, train loss: 0.0004
[*] Episode: 15, total reward: 240.0, explore p: 0.7019, train loss: 0.0223
[*] Episode: 16, total reward: 230.0, explore p: 0.6813, train loss: 0.0535
[*] Episode: 17, total reward: 315.0, explore p: 0.6606, train loss: 9.7144
[*] Episode: 18, total reward: 140.0, explore p: 0.6455, train loss: 0.0022
[*] Episode: 19, total reward: 310.0, explore p: 0.6266, train loss: 1.5386
[*] Episode: 20, total reward: 200.0, explore p: 0.6114, train loss: 1.5545
[*] Episode: 21, total reward: 65.0, explore p: 0.6044, train loss: 0.0042
[*] Episode: 22, total reward: 210.0, explore p: 0.5895, train loss: 0.0161
[*] Episode: 23, total reward: 155.0, explore p: 0.5778, train loss: 0.0006
[*] Episode: 24, total reward: 105.0, explore p: 0.5665, train loss: 0.0016
[*] Episode: 25, total reward: 425.0, explore p: 0.5505, train loss: 0.0063

[0]. An introduction to Deep Q-Learning: let’s play Doom
[1]. Deep Q learning with Doom - Notebook
[2]. Deep Q Learning with Atari Space Invaders
[3]. Atari 2600 VCS ROM Collection

Dueling Double DQN and Prioritized Experience Replay

Four improvements in Deep Q Learning:

  • Fixed Q-targets Fixed Q-targets
  • Double DQN Double DQN
  • Dueling DQN Dueling DQN
  • Prioritized Experience Replay

Doom Deadly Corridor

play Doom Deadly Corridor

其中,Dueling DQN 的神经网络如下图: [code]

Dueling DQN

Prioritized Experience Replay 采用 SumTree 的方法:


[0]. Improvements in Deep Q Learning: Dueling Double DQN, Prioritized Experience Replay, and fixed Q-targets
[1]. Let’s make a DQN: Double Learning and Prioritized Experience Replay
[2]. Double Dueling Deep Q Learning with Prioritized Experience Replay - Notebook

Policy Gradients

Policy Gradients
PG Algorithm

CartPole Game

Play CartPole Game

其中,Policy Gradient 神经网络如下图。

Policy Gradient Network

训练大约 950 轮后结果如下:

Episode: 941
Reward: 39712.0
Mean Reward: 2246.384288747346
Max reward so far: 111837.0
Episode: 942
Reward: 9417.0
Mean Reward: 2253.9883351007425
Max reward so far: 111837.0
Episode: 943
Reward: 109958.0
Mean Reward: 2368.08156779661
Max reward so far: 111837.0
Episode: 944
Reward: 73285.0
Mean Reward: 2443.125925925926
Max reward so far: 111837.0
Episode: 945
Reward: 40370.0
Mean Reward: 2483.217758985201
Max reward so far: 111837.0
[*] Model Saved: ./model/model.ckpt

具体代码请参见:[tensorflow] [pytorch]

Doom Deathmatch

play Doom Deathmatch


[0]. An introduction to Policy Gradients with Cartpole and Doom
[1]. Cartpole: REINFORCE Monte Carlo Policy Gradients - Notebook
[2]. Doom-Deathmatch: REINFORCE Monte Carlo Policy gradients - Notebook
[3]. Deep Reinforcement Learning: Pong from Pixels

Advantage Actor Critic

[to be done]

Asynchronous Advantage Actor Critic

[to be done]

Proximal Policy Optimization

PPO Algorithm

Half Cheetah

play HalfCheetah

训练 500 epoch 后:

Epoch: 499
TotalEnvInteracts: 2000000
EpRet:        585.4069  470.6009(min) 644.4069(max) 67.6205(std)
EpLen:        1000.0000
VVals:        46.3796   23.6165(min) 50.2677(max) 2.5903(std)
LossPi:       -0.0172
LossV:        506.2033
DeltaLossPi:  -0.0172
DeltaLossV:   -32.9680
Entropy:      5.5010
KL:           0.0188
ClipFrac:     0.1937
StopIter:     6.0000
Time: 27175.5427s


[0]. OpenAI Spinning Up - Proximal Policy Optimization

Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient

DDPG Algorithm



由于训练不稳定,在第 225 epoch 取得最大平均 reward:

Epoch: 225
TotalEnvInteracts: 1130000
EpRet:        1358.9755 920.2474(min) 1608.4678(max) 238.5494(std)
EpLen:        992.0000
TestEpRet:    1101.4177 479.9980(min) 1520.0907(max) 415.7242(std)
TestEpLen:    873.2000
QVals:        136.3016 -112.4969(min) 572.5870(max) 36.0409(std)
LossPi:       -138.1635
LossQ:        7.0895
Time: 28183.4149s

随着时间的增长,平均 reward 波动较大,此起彼伏,训练 365 epoch 后:

Epoch: 365
TotalEnvInteracts: 1830000
EpRet:        -1250.8838 -2355.5800(min) -10.4664(max) 810.3868(std)
EpLen:        723.5714
TestEpRet:    -1241.4192 -2211.0383(min) -884.2655(max) 342.6774(std)
TestEpLen:    1000.0000
QVals:        407.9140 -116.6802(min) 684.3555(max) 76.7627(std)
LossPi:       -413.1655
LossQ:        61.5379
Time: 50710.5035s


[0]. OpenAI Spinning Up - Deep Deterministic Policy Gradient

AlphaGoZero Introduction

这个是我通过阅读 AlphaGo Zero 的文献,以及结合网路上相关的一些文章,将这些内容通过自己的理解整合到这一个PPT中,用来在组会上简单的介绍 AlphaGo Zero 背后的方法和原理给同学和老师,同时也思考如何将其结合到其他领域。当然,其中也不仅仅包括 AlphaGo Zero 的内容,也有我最近看的另外一篇文章,他们的研究团队运用类似的方法来解魔方。[pdf]

pdf pdf

[0]. AlphaGo Zero - How and Why it Works
[1]. Alpha Go Zero Cheat Sheet
[2]. Mastering the game of Go with deep neural networks and tree search
[3]. Mastering the game of Go without Human Knowledge

Monte Carlo Tree Search



MCTS vs Random Player [code]. Another MCTS on Tic Tac Toe [code].

[1]. Introduction to Monte Carlo Tree Search


使用AlphaGo Zero的方法实现的一个五子棋AI。

下图是自我博弈训练 3000 局棋后,与人类选手对局的结果,已经很难下赢了。



# Residual_CNN #

Network Diagram:
                |-----------------------|                  /---C---B---R---F---D---R---D---T [value head]
I---C---B---R---o---C---B---R---C---B---M---R--- ..... ---|
    \_______/     \_______________________/                \---C---B---R---F---D---S [polich head]
   [Conv layer]       [Residual layer]

I - input
B - BatchNormalization
R - Rectifier non-linearity, LeakyReLU
T - tanh
C - Conv2D
F - Flatten
D - Dense
M - merge, add
S - Softmax
O - output

# Simple_CNN #

Network Diagram:
                                               2(1x1)       64     1
    32(3x3)     64(3x3)    128(3x3)        /-----C-----F-----D-----D-----T  [value head]
      \_____________________________/      \-----C-----F-----D-----S        [polich head]
           [Convolutional layer]               4(1x1)       w^2

I - input
B - BatchNormalization
R - ReLU
T - tanh
C - Conv2D
F - Flatten
D - Dense
S - Softmax

8x8 大小棋盘自我博弈训练 3000 局的结果如下:

[*] Episode: 2991, length: 42, start: O, winner: X, data: 336, time: 85s, win ratio: X 48.1%, O 48.5%, - 3.4%
Epoch 1/1
512/512 [==============================] - 1s 2ms/step - loss: 1.7491 - value_head_loss: 0.4658 - policy_head_loss: 1.0655
[*] Episode: 2992, length: 19, start: O, winner: O, data: 152, time: 40s, win ratio: X 48.1%, O 48.5%, - 3.4%
Epoch 1/1
512/512 [==============================] - 1s 2ms/step - loss: 1.6507 - value_head_loss: 0.4631 - policy_head_loss: 0.9698
[*] Episode: 2993, length: 23, start: X, winner: X, data: 184, time: 47s, win ratio: X 48.1%, O 48.5%, - 3.4%
Epoch 1/1
512/512 [==============================] - 1s 2ms/step - loss: 1.6409 - value_head_loss: 0.4322 - policy_head_loss: 0.9908
[*] Episode: 2994, length: 35, start: X, winner: X, data: 280, time: 71s, win ratio: X 48.1%, O 48.5%, - 3.4%
Epoch 1/1
512/512 [==============================] - 1s 2ms/step - loss: 1.6128 - value_head_loss: 0.4528 - policy_head_loss: 0.9421
[*] Episode: 2995, length: 16, start: X, winner: O, data: 128, time: 35s, win ratio: X 48.1%, O 48.5%, - 3.4%
Epoch 1/1
512/512 [==============================] - 1s 2ms/step - loss: 1.7529 - value_head_loss: 0.4884 - policy_head_loss: 1.0466
[*] Episode: 2996, length: 22, start: O, winner: X, data: 176, time: 46s, win ratio: X 48.1%, O 48.5%, - 3.4%
Epoch 1/1
512/512 [==============================] - 1s 2ms/step - loss: 1.6800 - value_head_loss: 0.4583 - policy_head_loss: 1.0038
[*] Episode: 2997, length: 16, start: X, winner: O, data: 128, time: 35s, win ratio: X 48.1%, O 48.5%, - 3.4%
Epoch 1/1
512/512 [==============================] - 1s 2ms/step - loss: 1.6877 - value_head_loss: 0.4973 - policy_head_loss: 0.9725
[*] Episode: 2998, length: 22, start: X, winner: O, data: 176, time: 48s, win ratio: X 48.1%, O 48.5%, - 3.4%
Epoch 1/1
512/512 [==============================] - 1s 2ms/step - loss: 1.6530 - value_head_loss: 0.4887 - policy_head_loss: 0.9464
[*] Episode: 2999, length: 16, start: X, winner: O, data: 128, time: 33s, win ratio: X 48.1%, O 48.5%, - 3.4%
Epoch 1/1
512/512 [==============================] - 1s 2ms/step - loss: 1.6951 - value_head_loss: 0.4582 - policy_head_loss: 1.0189
[*] Episode: 3000, length: 9, start: X, winner: X, data: 72, time: 18s, win ratio: X 48.1%, O 48.5%, - 3.4%
Epoch 1/1
512/512 [==============================] - 1s 2ms/step - loss: 1.6760 - value_head_loss: 0.4743 - policy_head_loss: 0.9838


[0]. How to build your own AlphaZero AI using Python and Keras
[1]. Github: AppliedDataSciencePartners/DeepReinforcementLearning
[2]. Github: Rochester-NRT/RocAlphaGo
[3]. 28 天自制你的 AlphaGo (6) : 蒙特卡洛树搜索(MCTS)基础
[4]. AlphaZero实战:从零学下五子棋(附代码)
[5]. Github: junxiaosong/AlphaZero_Gomoku

RNA Folding Path

使用深度强化学习来学习 RNA 分子的二级结构折叠路径。具体说明这里就不再重复了,请参见这里:[link]

Atari Game Roms

这里有一些 Atari 游戏的 Rom,可以导入到 retro 环境中,方便进行游戏。[link]


Reinforcing Your Learning of Reinforcement Learning







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