This is the official pythonic wrapper library for the Xively V2 API.
- Python 2.7, 3.3 or PyPy
- Requests 1.1.0 (or greater)
>>> import xively >>> # Connect to the API using your API key. >>> api = xively.XivelyAPIClient("API_KEY") >>> # Create a new Feed object. >>> feed = api.feeds.create(title="My Xively Feed") >>> # Let's give it one datastream with id 'temperature' >>> datastream = feed.datastreams.create(id='temperature')
The datapoint creation endpoint takes an array of datapoints
>>> datastream.datapoints.create(value=42) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS xively.Datapoint(datetime.datetime(...), 42)
Alternatively you can update the datastream's current value and a new datapoint will be created.
>>> datastream.current_value = 42 >>> # We only want to change current_value. >>> datastream.update(fields=['current_value'])
Without specifying the fields to update, all fields would be sent to the Xively API which would include the updated_at field with the time that the old value was updated. This is probably not what you want but is the intended behaviour of the API.