This collection includes all mods running on The Tropolis Collective 7 Days to Die server
All of these are not absolutely required on your client. But its easier to just grab them all than it is to to be selective.
Near the top right corner, click the greed button that says CODE Then select - Download ZIP
Once the download is finished, open the downloaded file
Navigate to the location where you have 7 Days to Die installed 1 - Ensure you are on LIBRARIES section - Just click LIBRARIES at the top
2 - In Steam, ensure you are on LIBRARIES section - Just click LIBRARIES at the top
3 - Right click on 7 Days to Die
4 - Mouse over MANAGE and click on BROWSE LOCAL FILES
5 - You may or may not have a MODS folder. If its not there add a new folder called Mods
Now you should have both the opened file that you downloaded and your 7 Days to Die install folder open. 1 - Open the MOD folder
2 - Select everything from the other window (should be 20 folders)
3 - Hit CTRL C (COPY)
4 - Click on the Explorer window thats showing the contents of the Mod folder
5 - Hit CTRL V (PASTE)
6 - Open the POI folder and hit CTRL A (select all) and CTRL C (copy)
7 - Hit the back arrow button. You should now be in ...\steamapps\common\7 Days To Die
8 - Open the DATA folder, then open the PREFABS folder
9 - Hit CTRL V (paste) to copy all the data from inside the POI folder to the Prefabs folder
Once its finished copying you're all set. Close both windows, start the game, and you're ready to join!
Instructions on managing updates
All updates will have data below edited to assist in applying those updates. Please note that you had to have been
current with updates at the time for the info below to be accurate. If you weren't up to date, or you arent sure
then please follow the instructions above to re-install everything fresh!!
Use the instructions above except that instead of selecting ALL of the folders you only
need to select the ones listed below.