v1.3.1 release
Version Summary
Version Number : v1.3.1 [tag: v1.3.1]
Date: 22-Jun-2021
Release Summary :
SODA Jerba RC1 is an incremental release over Isabela Release of SODA Foundation.
New features
Configurable install/uninstall of multicloud to support service and DB HA using K8S pods
- Add installer support for delfin containerized deployment
- Updated the RabbitMQ steps as per the official installer
- Fixed broken bintray links in rabbitmq installation for Delfin
- Migration of CI: Added workflow for GitHub actions CI. Deleted travis.yml
- Added the api, controller, dock and etcd processes to systemd
- Added restart always policy to api, controller, dock, authchecker and etcd containers
Changelog since last stable release
Projects/Repos Tested with this release:
How to use the Release:
Configuration & Installation If you want more config control, you can follow these steps: https://docs.sodafoundation.io/soda-gettingstarted/installation-using-ansible/
Ensure to checkout v1.3.1
Issues and Suggestions
Any SODA Release related issues/suggestions, please raise at https://github.com/sodafoundation/installer/issues