Ruby gem to interact with YaST applications via libyui-rest-api.
Usage example:
require 'libyui_client'
app = 'localhost', port: '9999')
button = app.button(id: 'settime')
As soon as the gem is in development, run the following command from command line:
gem "libyui_client", :git => "[email protected]:jknphy/libyui_client.git"
Now need to require gem in order to use it.
It is assumed the application is running on localhost:9999
Then the code to initialize the application looks like:
require 'libyui_client'
app = 'localhost', port: '9999')
libyui_client supports different types of widgets.
Here are examples of usage:
app.button(id: 'test_id').click # clicks the button with id 'test_id'
app.button(label: 'test_label').debug_label # get 'debug_label' value with label 'test_label'
app.checkbox(id: 'test_id').check # checks the checkbox with id 'test_id'
app.checkbox(label: 'test_label').checked? # gets the state of checkbox with label 'test_label'
app.checkbox(id: 'test_id').toggle # toggles the checkbox with id 'test_id'
app.checkbox(id: 'test_id').uncheck # unchecks the checkbox with id 'test_id'
app.combobox(id: 'test_id').items # gets all available items for combobox with id 'test_id'
app.combobox(id: 'test_id').select # selects the checkbox with id 'test_id'
app.combobox(id: 'test_id').selected_item # gets the selected item in combobox with id 'test_id'
app.label(id: 'test_id').heading? # gets if label has bold font respresentation with id 'test_id'
app.label(id: 'test_id').text # gets text from label with id 'test_id'
app.menubutton(id: 'test_id').click('button1') # clicks on 'button1' of menubutton with id 'test_id'
app.numberbox(id: 'test_id').min_value # gets min value to be set in numberbox with id 'test_id'
app.numberbox(id: 'test_id').max_value # gets max value to be set in numberbox with id 'test_id'
app.numberbox(id: 'test_id').set(99) # sets 99 to numberbox with id 'test_id'
app.numberbox(id: 'test_id').value # gets value from numberbox with id 'test_id'
app.radiobutton(id: 'test_id').select # selects the radiobutton with id 'test_id'
app.radiobutton(id: 'test_id').selected? # gets the state of radiobutton with id 'test_id'
app.richtext(id: 'test_id').click_link('test_link') # clicks on link "test_link" with id 'test_id'
app.richtext(id: 'test_id').text # gets text from richtext 'test_id').items # gets items from tab with id 'test_id' 'test_id').select(value: 'item') # selects specific tab with id 'test_id' 'test_id').selected_item # gets selected tab for tab with id 'test_id'
app.table(id: 'test_id').empty? # checks if there is not rows in table with id 'test_id'
app.table(id: 'test_id').items # gets rows in the table with id 'test_id'
app.table(id: 'test_id').select(value: 'test.item.1', # selects row in table with value test.item.1
column: 'test.header') # and column test.header
app.table(id: 'test_id').seleted_items # gets items currently selected in table with id 'test_id'
app.textbox(id: 'test_id').max_length
app.textbox(id: 'test_id').set('Test Text') # sets "Test Text" to textbox with id 'test_id'
app.textbox(id: 'test_id').password? # checks password mode for textbox with id 'test_id'
app.textbox(id: 'test_id').valid_chars # checks valid chars for textbox with id 'test_id'
app.textbox(id: 'test_id').value # gets value from textbox with id 'test_id'
app.tree(id: 'test_id').items # gets items from tree with id 'test_id'
app.tree(id: 'test_id').select('node1|node1_2') # selects item in tree with id 'test_id'
app.tree(id: 'test_id').selected_item # gets currently highlighted item from tree with id 'test_id'
libyui_client supports the same filters, as libyui-rest-api provides:
- id - widget ID serialized as string, might include special characters like backtick (`)
- label - widget label as currently displayed (i.e. translated!)
- type - widget class
All the actions against widgets in libyui_client are made with default timeout and interval. Default timeout is 5 sec, default interval is 0.5 sec. That means libyui_client will repeat sending requests to YaST application every 0.5 seconds until 5 seconds timeout will be reached. This default wait is needed because widgets may not be loaded immediately while trying to interact with them (e.g. when navigating from one screen to another).
The default timeout and interval can be changed by the following:
LibyuiClient.timeout = 10
LibyuiClient.interval = 1
All the widgets include Waitable module, which contains special methods to allow explicit waiting:
and wait_while
These methods can be used when it is needed to wait until some property of the widget will be changed.
For example, wait until button will be enabled and click on it:
# with #to_proc syntax:
app.button(id: 'test_id').wait_until(&:enabled?).click
# without #to_proc syntax:
app.button(id: 'test_id').wait_until{ |button| button.enabled? }.click
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.