Link | |
OS | Ubuntu-Latest |
Display Server | X11 |
Compositor | picom |
Top Bar | polybar |
Launcer & Powermenu | rofi |
Rofi Themes | rofi |
Text Editor | neovim |
Notification Deamon | dunst |
Neovim Config | AstroNvim |
Window Manager | i3-gaps |
Terminal | kitty |
Shell | zsh |
Shell Theme | p10k |
Pdf Reader | zathura |
Terminal File Manager | ranger |
Package Manager Wrapper | nala |
Spotify Theme | spicetify, community themes: Dreary, color scheme: Mantis |
Icon Pack | ePapirus-Dark |
Borders | xborders |
i3 Layouts | alternating_layouts |
Firefox | ccs_theme |
Firefox Homepage | nighttab |
- Main dependencies:
sudo apt install -y picom polybar rofi neovim i3-gaps kitty zsh zathura ranger nala nitrogen xsensor arandr python3 brightnessctl flameshot gzip curl git pip dunst xclip
- i3-Alternating-layouts and xborders python dependencies:
pip install pycairo requests i3ipc
- Add i3 latest version repo to your repositories and install i3:
curl | sudo apt-key add -
sudo apt install apt-transport-https --yes
echo "deb all main" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/i3-autobuild.list
sudo apt update
sudo apt install i3
- Install latest version of neovim (if you want to compile it manually, after cloning neovim repo):
sudo make install
- Rofi themes:
git clone --depth=1
cd rofi
chmod +x
- firefox theme:
enable firefox custom ccs in "about:config" page and copy chrome folder in $HOME/.mozilla/firefox/XXXXX.default-release/chrome
- Remaining installations/programs/configurations:
AstroNvim, oh-my-zsh, powerlevel10k or starship, spicetify
Move .zshrc and .p10k.zsh to your home directory (remember to rename them with the dot in front)
Now you are ready to copy config files!
git clone
cd Mantis/dots
cp -r * $HOME/.config
- Remember to make scripts (like xborders, alternating_layouts, polybar scripts, etc) executable!
chmod +x <Name of the script>
- Matlab color scheme importer: