Releases: stats4sd/laravel-kobo-link
Performance Finetuning for Submission Retrieval
This version finetunes the performance for ODK submissions retrieval.
1.0.1: A Patch on Stability
This release fixes a few errant references to App\Models, and ensures that everything is using the models supplied with the actual package. As it should be.
1.0.0 - The Big Stability Update
The A Big Stability Update
This update does the following:
New features / functions:
- Adds a new validation rule for checking that a user's Kobo username is a valid username on the given Kobotoolbox server.
- Streamlined process for linking your own custom data processing functions to the 'Datamap' models.
- Includes a lot of code stability fixes, like ensuring we can handle events when no platform user has initiated a job;
- Includes a bunch of code readability fixes, like adding in property + return type hints, adding
tags where needed and generally tidying the docs - Making is PHP 8 only so we can use some nice things like easier-to-read constructs, fn() shorthand etc.
- Updating the Readme for actual people to read.
This is still beta / pre-release, but it's the first time that this can be considered 'close' to release. Probably.
It's also full of probably-breaking changes from previous versions - thus the big shift from 0.x to 1.x!
0.2.6 - hotfix
Merge branch 'teams' of into teams
Fix for re-process submissions
0.2.3 Fix prop ordering for ProcessSubmission call
Hotfix for KoboData Returned error
0.2.2 hotfix - parameter ordering
Hotfix - remove handlemedia temp variable
Removes the temporary flag from the remaining job(s)
Streamlined Media handling
This release tidies up the fixes required to work with Kobo's new Media handling APIs. Now, whenever new media are pushed to a form, that form must be redeployed, so the SetKoboFormToActive() job is called after any new media uploads.
Also, the user parameter is now optional across the suite of jobs and events, so only jobs started by a user will return a broadcast event back to the user - automated jobs started by the system will not broadcast. (This should probably be changed in future versions to broadcast to an admin, or logged somehow in a way that apps can hook into!)
0.2.5 - minor syntax fix
add custom ide helper for stub
PHP 8 Support
0.1.3 add option for PHP8+