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Übersicht der Parameter

steff393 edited this page Apr 6, 2024 · 7 revisions

Parameter können in der Datei cfg.json eingestellt werden.

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Type Name Explanation
char cfgApSsid[32] SSID of the initial Access Point
char cfgApPass[63] Password of the initial Access Point
uint8_t cfgCntWb number of connected wallboxes in the system
uint8_t cfgMbCycleTime cycle time of the modbus (in seconds)
uint16_t cfgMbDelay delay time of the modbus before sending new message (in milliseconds)
uint16_t cfgMbTimeout Reg. 257: Modbus timeout (in milliseconds)
uint16_t cfgStandby Reg. 258: Standby Function Control: 0 = enable standby, 4 = disable standby
char cfgMqttIp[16] IP address of MQTT broker, "" to disable MQTT (only IP, no port needed)
uint16_t cfgMqttPort; Port of MQTT broker (optional)
uint8_t cfgMqttLp[WB_CNT] Array with assignments to openWB loadpoints, e.g. [4,2,0,1]: Box0 = LP4, Box1 = LP2, Box2 = no MQTT, Box3 = LP1 (mandatory for MQTT usage, e.g. [1], because it's needed for the topic name)
char cfgMqttUser[32] MQTT: Username (optional)
char cfgMqttPass[32] MQTT: Password (optional)
char cfgNtpServer[30] NTP server e.g. "" for local access, if empty: ""
char cfgFoxUser[32]; powerfox: Username
char cfgFoxPass[16]; powerfox: Password
char cfgFoxDevId[16]; powerfox: DeviceId
uint8_t cfgPvActive; PV charging: Active (1) or inactive (0)
uint8_t cfgPvCycleTime; PV charging: cycle time (in seconds)
uint8_t cfgPvLimStart; PV charging: Target current needed for starting (in 0.1A), e.g. 61=6.1A
uint8_t cfgPvLimStop; PV charging: Target current to stop charging when below (in 0.1A)
uint8_t cfgPvPhFactor; PV charging: Power/Current factor, e.g. 69: 1A equals 690W at 3phases, 23: 1A equals 230W at 1phase
uint16_t cfgPvOffset; PV charging: Offset for the available power calculation (in W); can be used to assure that no/less current is consumed from net
uint8_t cfgPvInvert; Invert the watt value (pos./neg.)
uint16_t cfgTotalCurrMax; Total current limit for load management (in 0.1A) ! Use only with appropriate Fuse !
uint8_t cfgWifiSleepMode; Set sleep type for power saving, recomendation is 255 (=no influence) or 0 (=WIFI_NONE_SLEEP) (see #12)
uint8_t cfgLoopDelay; Delay [ms] at end of main loop, might have an impact on web server reactivitiy, default: 255 = inactive (see #18)
char cfgShellyIp[16]; IP address of Shelly 3em, "" to disable
char cfgInverterIp[16]; IP address of inverter, "" to disable
uint8_t cfgInverterType; 0=off, 1=SolarEdge, 2=Fronius, 3=Kostal (beta)
uint16_t cfgInverterPort; Overwrite default inverter port setting
uint16_t cfgInverterAddr; Overwrite default inverter address setting
uint16_t cfgInvSmartAddr; Overwrite default smart meter address setting
uint16_t cfgBootlogSize; Size of the bootlog buffer for debugging, max. 5000 [bytes]
uint16_t cfgBtnDebounce; Debounce time for button [ms], typ. 300ms
uint16_t cfgWifiConnectTimeout; Timeout in seconds to connect to Wifi before change to AP-Mode

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