Tool for generating a ranking of phrases (under a given selector) in a forum thread (or other 'iterable' page)
$ make
$ ./phrase_indexer --help
Usage of ./phrase_indexer:
-threadUrl string
[REQUIRED] Url to thread that is meant to be indexed
-selector string
[REQUIRED] Selector for searching for interesting parts of the document
-startAt uint
[OPTIONAL] Page number on which to start indexing (default 1)
-endAt uint
[REQUIRED] Page number on which to end indexing
-exclude string
[OPTIONAL] Path to file that contains phrases to exclude from output
[text file, whitespace separated]
-workers uint
[OPTIONAL] Number of workers involved to parsing thread sites (default 100)
-limit int
[OPTIONAL] Limit output to top #{value} entries (default 2147483647)
$ ./phrase_indexer \
-threadUrl="" \
-selector=".online, .offline" -endAt=100 -limit=10
218 rnd
128 somekind
100 azarien
94 koziolek
66 marekr
54 marooned
42 demonical
42 krolik
42 monk
42 wibowit