Yet another build tool, that allows you to create modular components of your dependencies and load in just the parts you need when you need them.
Replace all script tags with a single script tag.
npm install webpack
then create config file: webpack.config.js config file exports the config
module.exports = {
entry: './index.js', // start of app
output: {
filename: 'bundle.js',
path: __dirname
command webpack runs config creates bundle.js.
var someModule = require('./someModule');
in someModule.js file:
var someModule = {
module.exports = { ... }
Because modern websites (webapps) are pushing more code over to the clientside. webpack creates a module system to help better organize your code. Without webpack modularizing your code involves many script tags in your markup, which you then need to address how to load all these scripts.
Modules export an interface to the global object, i. e. the window object. Modules can access the interface of dependencies over the global object.
There are some common problems with this approach:
- Conflicts in the global object.
- Order of loading is important.
- Developers have to resolve dependencies of modules/libraries.
- In big projects the list can get really long and difficult to manage.
exports.doStuff = function() {};
module.exports = someVaule;
A module can specify exports by adding properties to the exports object or setting the value of module.exports.
- Server-side modules can be reused
- There are already many modules in this style (npm)
- very simple and easy to use.
- blocking calls do not apply well on networks. Network requests are asynchronous.
- No parallel require of multiple modules.
require(["module", "../file"], function(module, file) {/* ... */});
define("mymodule", ["dep1", "dep2"], funciton(d1, d2) {
return some ExportedValue;
AMD = Asynchronous Module Definition
- Fits to the asynchronous request style in networks.
- Parallel loading of multiple modules.
- Coding overhead. More difficult to read and write.
- Seems to be some kind of workaround.
You can also use ES6 same language consturcts and other styles of dependency definition.
Two standard methods of transfering modules are to either have 1 request per module or to send all modules in one request, both methods have flaws.
Webpack allows for chunked transferring of modules which splits the set of modules into multiple smaller batches (chunks). Chuncks with modules that are not required initially are only requested on demand.
Webpack allows the developer to modularize a whole range of assets besides just Javascript
webpack is a module bundler.
webpack takes modules with dependencies and generates static assets representing those modules.
- Split the dependency tree into chunks loaded on demand
- Keep inital loading time low
- Every static asset should be able to be a module
- Ability to integrate 3rd-party libraries as modules
- Ability to customize nearly every part of the module bundler
- Suited for big projects
- Code Splitting
- Loaders
- Clever parsing
- Plugin System
Install webpack globally via npm:
npm install webpack -g
Optionally you can add webpack as dependency to your project so that you can use a customized local version of webpack:
npm init
To add a package.json config file. then,
npm install webpack --save-dev
To Install webpack locally in your project.
Provides links to docs for CLI, node.js API and configuration options.