Installation of Manjaro XFCE Linux on Hyper-V.
Create a new VM and disable the "Enable Secure Boot"
Start the live-cd version of Manjaro it will stop at "Finished TLP system startup/shutdown."
Press "Ctrl-Alt-F2" to start a new terminal window. Login with manjaro/manjaro. Install the video drivers:
sudo pacman -Sy xf86-video-fbdev
You will now launch to the desktop and you are able to launch the installer. Follow the installer and at the end shutdown the vm to remove the iso from the dvd-drive.
The VM will not boot to a desktop since the installed machine does not have the videodrivers. Again after startup open a terminal window with "Ctrl-Alt-F2"
Login with your new user and password. (the username and password you provided during the installation on the VM) Install the video drivers:
sudo pacman -Sy xf86-video-fbdev
Open a terminal: update the database and environment from pacman
sudo pacman -Syyu
Install the video drives again.
pacman -Sy base-devel git wget curl vim yay
Run the scripts and
Run the install-config to configure xrdp.
sudo ./
Edit the local .xinitrc and change it to:
exec startxfce4
dbus-launch startxfce4
Edit the grub configuration:
sudo vi /etc/default/grub
sudo nano /etc/default/grub
to the end of line GRUBCMD_LINE_LINUX_DEFAULT this will boot the system to the command prompt. So only the xrdp will run a window manager.
Save the file and update grub
sudo update-grub
Run in a Windows Powershell on your Windows system as administrator:
Set-VM -VMName "MachineName" -EnhancedSessionTransportType HvSocket
Reboot the system.