React component for unifroms-material with input mask
npm i styleschool/uniforms-masked-phone-field
import MaskedField from 'uniforms-masked-phone-field';
import { AutoForm, AutoField } from 'uniforms-material';
import SimpleSchema from 'simpl-schema';
import SimpleSchema2Bridge from 'uniforms/SimpleSchema2Bridge';
const Bridge = new SimpleSchema2Bridge(new SimpleSchema({
phone: {
type: String,
uniforms: {
component: (props: any) => <MaskedField {...props} />,
// Region field auto-implemented in MaskedField.
// It have no need to be placed in Autoform manualy.
// ATTEMPT! You must use AutoForm component with AutoFiled, but not by itself.
region: {
type: String,
<AutoForm schema={Bridge}>
<AutoField name="phone"/>