Status: Development
Feature | Completion Status |
FEN | ✔️ |
Basic Moves | ✔️ |
Click to Move | ✔️ |
Click to Capture | ✔️ |
Check Detection | ✔️ |
Discovered Check | ✔️ |
Pinned Piece | ✔️ |
Restrict Move on Check | ✔️ |
Castle | ✔️ |
En Passant | ✔️ |
Turn Wise Play | ✔️ |
Checkmate | ✔️ |
Pawn Promotion | ✔️ |
Stalemate | ✔️ |
Insufficient Material | ✔️ |
PWA | ✔️ |
Time Up | ⏳ |
Drag to Move | ✖️ |
Drag to Capture | ✖️ |
Resignation | ✖️ |
Symbol | Description |
✔️ | Completed |
⏳ | In Progress |
✖️ | Incomplete |
Has Issues |
I was bored one night, so decided to code Chess in React. It has been fun to write code for this complicated game. I don't have any concrete plans on what extent this project might grow, but I would like to try to create my own AI that can play against humans one day. That point is far though. For now, I am developing actual playable game with all rules of Chess. Status of completion of all features are mentioned above