There is an official docker deployment in SW360 Page
This repository contains code which sets up a Docker based deployment and development infrastructure for SW360. It simplifies and abstracts the configuration. It also contains tools for backing up and restoring of container states as well as for exporting and importing docker images.
You need
- the perl interpreter to run
which is used in some prepare scripts- a current version of docker (min 1.30) []
- docker-compose (min 1.21) []
- some disk space at
: - Internet connection at container build time to download docker images as well as Maven dependencies and internet connection at runtime to allow cve-search to crawl various external sources for security vulnerability entries.
A full setup together with a dockerized FOSSology on another host could look like this:
This project should be controlled via the script
To build all images and start them simply use
./ --build -- up
To get a fully configured SW360 running, you need to compile the wars and place them into ./_deploy
This can be done from within the SW360 project root with a single command via
$ mvn install -P deploy -Dbase.deploy.dir=/ABSOLUTE/PATH/TO/sw360chores/_deploy -DskipTests
After that you should follow the next steps in the SW360 wiki.
To get the complete description of how to use the script use
./ --help
All configuration is done in the folder ./configuration/
, and the structure looks like:
├── certs
├── nginx
│ ├── nginx.fifo
│ ├── nginx.key
│ ├── nginx.pem
│ └──
├── proxy.env.template
└── sw360
├── sw360.env
├── fossology
│ ├── fossology.id_rsa
│ └──
Note: The content of ./configuration/
is only runtime configuration which is partially used on build time (e.g. proxy.env
), but should not be persisted in the generated images.
This file should contain the TLS certificates of services the server wants to talk to. This should contain e.g. the companies root certificate.
It should contain the certificates concatenated in one file, separated by a newline.
This contains some configuration for the
Most of the flags can also be overwritten via CLI-flags.
This file just contains the user for CouchDB and it is set up as an environment variable for docker compose.
This file just contains the password for CouchDB and it is added as secret to the containers.
To deactivate the authentication on CouchDB and start it in admin party mode, just call
$ echo > configuration/COUCHDB_PASSWORD
This might be necessary for running the SW360 tests against the exposed database.
This folder contains all files necessary for the https termination via nginx. As default this contains an unsafe key-pair.
There is also the file ./configuration/nginx/
, which is used for regenerating the unsafe key-pair.
This file just contains the password for postgres and it is added as secret to the containers.
This is a template file for configuring proxy settings. To enable support for a proxy, copy this file to a file named proxy.env
the same folder). In proxy.env
one can add proxy settings, which are passed to all docker-compose calls and into the containers, which need to connect to the internet.
Note: The file proxy.env
is excluded from source control; so it is not shown as outgoing changes.
The file ./configuration/sw360/sw360.env
can be used to tweak some runtime environment variables.
The files
are placed at /etc/sw360/
in the container and can be used to configure the corresponding parts.
In these files are variables replaced with environment variables.
This folder contains the rsa-key-pair used for the SSH connection to the FOSSology server necessary for the upload to FOSSology functionality.
Note: which server to use is configured in ./configuration/sw360/sw360.env
Starting with the old configuration, it should be easy to move all configuration to the corresponding files in ./configuration/
For implementing a centralized logging we recomend the gliderlabs/logspout container, which collects and routes the logs of all container in a very configurable way.
Further documentation can be found in the corresponding
The ./
command has the optional parameters --backup
which allow to write the content of all related volumes to tar
files, which are placed in the folder defined as BACKUP_FOLDER
To generate a dump:
$ docker exec -t sw360postgres pg_dumpall -c -U postgres > dump_`date +%d-%m-%Y"_"%H_%M_%S`.sql
To deploy the configured deployment to a swarm, one should use the commands
$ ./ --swarm --build --prod [...]
$ docker stack deploy --compose-file <(./ --prod --swarm -- config) sw360
Note: This feature is currently supported but might be dropped soon in the future. If you plan to depend on that, please communicate that back to the project.
One can build the docker setup within a Virtualbox controlled by Vagrant via
$ vagrant up && vagrant reload
It will then consume the content from ./_deploy
The log from docker than can be watched via
$ vagrant ssh -c "/sw360chores/ -- logs -f"
More description can be found in the file ./Vagrantfile
This folder was explained above.
This folder contains the Dockerfiles and scripts to build the images.
This folder contains the docker-compose files, which describe how the images should be configured.
This folder contains the important file test_users_with_passwords_12345.csv
which contains example users which can be used in an development or test
setup. All created users have the password 12345
Further this contains the following subfolders
, which creates a couchDB rpm package for RHEL/CentOS 7cveSearchBox/
, which contains a simple Vagrantfile which starts a standalone cve-search serverscripts/
, which contain some useful scripts.
None of the things in this folder are directly used by the packaging or deployment part.
All folders starting with _
are transient.