Releases: swedenconnect/ca-engine
2.0.0-release 2.0.0
1.2.3-release 1.2.3
1.2.2 version
Integration with credential suport for HSM
1.2.1-release 1.2.1
1.2.0 version
Updated dependencies to Jaxb and to signature validation project to depend on the published Sweden Connect repository.
1.1.1 version ca engine
Certificate model builder is extended to allow multiple subject alt names for the same GeneralName type. This is necessary to allow creation of web server certificates with multiple DNS names.
1.1.0 version ca engine
New minor release due to update of CMC API, adding the descending option.
1.0.5 version ca engine
Updating dependencies and moving to Bouncycastle 1.70
1.1.7 version ca service base
This release deprecates support for OCSP requests using HTTP GET.
The reason is incompatibility between standard URL processing in Spring Boot and the OCSP protocol, using URL encoded base64 string as part of the URL. As Strong Boot URL decodes the URL before processing it as a URL, the base64 may introduce URL changing characters such as "/" or even "/" followed by a digit.
This could be fixed by altering default URL processing, but as GET support for OCSP is highly unnecessary and seldom used, the choice in this release is to remove the feature.