This small okhttp client for reproduce and troubleshoot SonarQube HTTP/HTTPS client connectivity
Copy the file to your SonarQube host. And compile && run it as follows (on SonarQube 8.9):
java -cp "<SonarQubePath/lib/*" \ \<pathToYourTrustStore> \ \ https://urlAddressToCheck/
- offers various sub-domains for additional checks.
- <SonarQubePath/lib/common/* can be set for earlier (8.8-) of SonarQube
- with SonarQube 9.x the sonar-application-9xxx.jar should be used as class path
It does not work for the scanner client connectivity (yet) as it repackages the okhttpclient.
this small code does not allow you to set any authentication header (or any other specific header)