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Deploying to a Remote OpenShift from the Syndesis binary

Heiko Braun edited this page Oct 2, 2019 · 2 revisions

When you're lucky enough to have access to a managed OpenShift cluster then you can follow these instructions to deploy Syndesis (i.e. I have access to the RH dev cluster

export mycluster=
export mytoken=Grab it from the cmdline tools page:
export myproject=kurt
export syndesis_version=latest # replace here with the version you want to install
oc login $mycluster --token=$mytoken
oc new-project $myproject
# for some reason my new projects have some limits and quotas set on them so 
# let's delete those (note that if you freshly delete a project and recreate 
# it won't work, it must still be doing thing asynchronously)
oc delete limits resource-limits
oc delete quota compute-resources object-counts
# get the syndesis binary
docker run --rm --entrypoint cat syndesis/syndesis-operator:$syndesis_version  /usr/local/bin/syndesis-operator > syndesis-operator
chmod +x syndesis-operator
# get the configuration file
docker run --rm --entrypoint cat syndesis/syndesis-operator:$syndesis_version  /conf/config.yaml > config.yaml
# install Syndesis
./syndesis-operator --operator-config=config.yaml

The binary will now install the syndesis components. The output should look something like

serviceaccount syndesis-oauth-client was installed successfully
syndesis route was installed successfully
addon todo enabled
syndesis was installed successfully

To give someone else admin rights on your namespace

If you want other people to use your backend you will need to add them as admin to your namespace. In the openshift console, go to your project/namespace and Other Resources, then Role Binding and click on edit YAML for admin duplicate this and update it with the username you want to give access to

- apiGroup:
    kind: User
    name: KurtStam