This is a collection of Infrastructure as Code resources which can be used to install, configure and manage the lifecycle of several Kafka components.
Clone the repo
Download the kafka binaries archive from
Place the kafka archive file in files directory
Update the necessay variables in the -variables.yml
KAFKA_ARCHIVE: -- latest kafka binary archive
INSTALLATION_DIR: -- Directory archive is expanded to
KAFKA_USER: -- Operating system user who will own the installation
KAFKA_GROUP: -- Group who can manage the installation
## ENV Variables
HOME: --Home location where installation is present
BASE: --common lin to installation
DATA_DIR: -- location to store zookeeper and kafka data and logs
##Prepare inventory
[kafkaserver1] <HOST_IP_ADDRESS> ansible_user=<ANSIBLE_USER>
NOTE: use ssh-add to add your private key to your ssh-agent
ansible-playbook kafka-main.yml ( -v for verbose, --step to run interactively)
###once kafka is installed and configured use below for daily maintenance:
ansible-playbook stop_start_kafka.yml --tag stop (To stop kafka services)
ansible-playbook stop_start_kafka.yml --tag start (To start kafka services)
ansible-playbook kafka-main.yml -inventory --step -vv
ansible-playbook stop_start_kafka.yml --tag stop (To stop kafka services)
ansible-playbook stop_start_kafka.yml --tag start (To start kafka services)