This is a ruby implementation of technical test called Bitmap Editor
which can be found here.
The code in this repo is mainly divided into small/simple classes and each class own its responsibilities, errors, constants, state and behaviour as follows:
is responsible for proxing users input to the Bitmap object, mainly using a command parser object. -
is responsible for parsing the user input and encapsulate the command parts (Type, coordinates and colour) and it also validates the user input to make sure that a user is trying a valid command with valid params. -
is responsible for handling the bitmap structure and different operations to be applied on bitmap like (initialize new bitmap, color a given pixel, color a given vertical/horizontal segment, etc.).Bitmap
is also handling how a bitmap should be shown on a user terminal. -
is just a simple class structure to define allowed colours that a pixel can accept and how a pixel can be represented on a user terminal.
This project is following TDD
so specs are always set before feature coding.
This project is using:
- ruby 2.3.1
- bundler gem to install all required gems that are listed in Gemfile.
- rspec gem as the tests framework. Config can be found in .rspec.
- rubocop gem as a main codeing style guide. Config can be found in .rubocop.yml.
- Docker to run the application without any dependecies using docker engine.
Install Docker Engine on your machine to be able to follow these steps.
run docker --version
to make sure that docker is installed and running successfully. You should get a message like Docker version 1.12.3, build 6b644ec
. Now you follow these steps:
- Build docker image from source
docker build . -t bitmap_editor:latest_git_commit_sha
where latest_git_commit_sha
is the git current checked out git commit SHA.
- Run the application on a docker container
docker run -it bitmap_editor:target_git_commit_sha "ruby runner.rb"
- Run tests on a docker container
docker run -it bitmap_editor:target_git_commit_sha "rspec"
Install Docker Engine on your machine to be able to follow these steps.
run docker --version
to make sure that docker is installed and running successfully. You should get a message like Docker version 1.12.3, build 6b644ec
. Now you follow these steps:
- Run the application on a docker container
docker run -it tareksamni/bitmap_editor:latest "ruby runner.rb"
- Run tests on a docker container
docker run -it tareksamni/bitmap_editor:latest "rspec"
You need to install the dependecies first, follow these steps to install all required dependencies using RVM
- Install RVM
$ curl -sSL | bash -s stable
- Install/Use ruby 2.3.1 and create a gemset for this project
$ rvm use ruby-2.3.1@bitmap_editor --create
- Install bundler gem
$ gem install bundler
- Install gems listed in Gemfile
$ bundle install
- Run application
$ ruby runner.rb
- Run tests
$ rspec