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Release scripts for github #2

Release scripts for github

Release scripts for github #2

name: Ceph S3 Tests
on: [push, pull_request, workflow_dispatch]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
timeout-minutes: 90
group: ${{ github.workflow }}-${{ github.ref }}
cancel-in-progress: true
- name: Checkout noobaa-core
uses: actions/checkout@v3
repository: 'noobaa/noobaa-core'
path: 'noobaa-core'
- name: Deploy minikube
run: |
cd ./noobaa-core
sudo bash ./.travis/
- name: Build noobaa tester
run: |
cd ./noobaa-core
make tester TESTER_TAG=noobaa-tester:s3-tests
docker tag noobaa:latest noobaa-core:s3-tests
- name: Checkout noobaa-operator
uses: actions/checkout@v3
repository: 'noobaa/noobaa-operator'
path: 'noobaa-operator'
# Freeze the version of operator
# to avoid a failed run due to code changes in the operator repo.
# Need to update the commit once in a while
ref: ca12ff9e360220bb50bb9a2b645846e4b241fa39
- name: Change settings for k8s and minikube
run: |
sudo mv /root/.kube /root/.minikube $HOME
sudo chown -R $USER $HOME/.kube $HOME/.minikube
sed "s/root/home\/$USER/g" $HOME/.kube/config > tmp; mv tmp $HOME/.kube/config
- name: Build operator
run: |
cd ./noobaa-operator
make all
- name: Install noobaa system
run: |
cd ./noobaa-operator
./build/_output/bin/noobaa-operator crd create
./build/_output/bin/noobaa-operator operator install
./build/_output/bin/noobaa-operator system create \
--db-resources='{ "limits": {"cpu": "200m","memory": "2G"}, "requests": {"cpu": "200m","memory": "2G"}}' \
--core-resources='{ "limits": {"cpu": "200m","memory": "1G"}, "requests": {"cpu": "200m","memory": "1G"}}' \
--endpoint-resources='{ "limits": {"cpu": "200m","memory": "1G"}, "requests": {"cpu": "200m","memory": "1G"}}' \
./build/_output/bin/noobaa-operator status
- name: Wait for phase Ready in the backingstore pod
run: |
cd ./noobaa-operator
./.travis/ --pods 5
kubectl wait --for=condition=available backingstore/noobaa-default-backing-store --timeout=5m
- name: Run Ceph s3-tests
run: |
set -x
cd ./noobaa-core
kubectl apply -f ./src/test/system_tests/ceph_s3_tests/test_ceph_s3_job.yml
kubectl wait --for=condition=complete job/noobaa-tests-s3 --timeout=45m || TIMEOUT=true
kubectl logs job/noobaa-tests-s3 --tail 10000 -f
if kubectl logs job/noobaa-tests-s3 | grep -q "Ceph Test Failed:"; then
echo "At least one test failed!"
kubectl get pods
exit 1
if [ ${TIMEOUT} ]; then
echo "Timed out waiting for the condition on jobs/noobaa-tests-s3"
exit 1
if kubectl logs job/noobaa-tests-s3 | grep -q "ran 0 tests"; then
echo "The s3 tests did not run!"
exit 1
- name: Collect logs
if: ${{ failure() }}
run: |
set -x
echo "K8S Events"
kubectl get events --sort-by='.metadata.creationTimestamp' -A
cd ./noobaa-operator
./build/_output/bin/noobaa-operator diagnose --db-dump --dir=ceph-s3-tests-logs
- name: Save logs
if: ${{ failure() }}
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
name: ceph-s3-tests-logs
path: noobaa-operator/ceph-s3-tests-logs