Desktop UI library to show simple dialog boxes and forms. Uses Zenity under-the-hood.
The following dialogs are supported:
- Message
- Info
- Error
- Question
- Warning
- Form with following fields
- Text
- Int
- Double
- Num
- Password
- DateTime
- File selection
- Password
- Username:Password
main() async {
final FormResult result =
await new Form(title: 'Form example', name: 'User info', fields: [
new TextField('First name:'),
new TextField('Last name:'),
new PasswordField('Password'),
new CalendarField('DoB')
Returns the form values are result:
{First name:: Teja, Last name:: Gudapati, Password: 1234as, DoB: 2017-12-11 00:00:00.000}
main() async {
await Zenity.showInfoMessage(
title: 'Information',
text: 'Dialogs for Dart!');
main() async {
final bool reply = await Zenity.showQuestionMessage(
title: 'Question', text: 'Dialogs for Dart!');
main() async {
await Zenity.showWarningMessage(title: 'Warning', text: 'Dialogs for Dart!');
main() async {
await Zenity.showErrorMessage(title: 'Error', text: 'Dialogs for Dart!');
import 'dart:async';
import 'package:zenity/zenity.dart';
Stream<int> get progress async* {
for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
await new Future.delayed(new Duration(seconds: 2));
yield await (i + 1) * (100 ~/ 5);
main() async {
await Zenity.showProgress(
title: 'Progress', text: 'Loading...', progress: progress);
import 'package:zenity/zenity.dart';
main() async {
print(await Zenity.readPassword());
import 'package:zenity/zenity.dart';
main() async {
final List<String> files = await Zenity.selectFiles();