Changes (since 1.6.0):
- Update iotagent-node-lib to 2.7.x
- Add: allow NGSIv2 for updating active attributes at CB, throught configuration based on iotagent-node-lib(#233)
- Add: supports NGSIv2 for device provisioning (entity creation and context registration) at CB (#233)
- Add: unhardwire MQTT qos and retain parameters in config.js (involving new env vars IOTA_MQTT_QOS and IOTA_MQTT_RETAIN) (#255)
- Fix: parameter order for the MEASURE-001 error message (#264)
- Fix: upgrade mqtt dep from 1.7.0 to 1.14.1
- Using precise dependencies (~=) in packages.json
- Remove mongodb dependence from packages.json (already in iota-node-lib)