A DropzoneJS directive for angular all wrapped up for Meteor.
modified from meteor-dropzone.
Intended for versions of Meteor 1.0
meteor add tgienger:angular-dropzone
Inject into your app:
angular.module('app', ['angular-meteor', 'ngDropzone']);
In your Angular Template you place the dropZone directive:
<drop-zone options="dropzoneOptions"></drop-zone>
In your controller, set the angular-dropzone options:
function Controller($scope) {
$scope.dropzoneOptions = {
A full list of options can be found in the Dropzone documentation
Important: the URL option is required, however will default to 'file-upload' if you don't enter one. I included this for those, like me, who use collectionFS to upload to s3 and do not require a url.
// controllerAs: drop
function CollectionController($scope) {
// CollectionFS collection
var imageCollection = $meteor.collectionFS(Images, false);
// Dropzone options for use without a url
this.dropzoneOptions = {
accept: (file, done) => {
imageCollection.save(file).then(() => {
<drop-zone options="drop.dropzoneOptions"></drop-zone>
Like Meteor-Dropzone:
Or you can set the default options that every dropzone instance is instantiated with globally:
Meteor.Dropzone.options.maxFiles = 4;
These will be overridden by any parameters set in the scope variable.