PowerShellGet is an extension of the Package Management feature in Windows PowerShell that facilitates the distribution and management of PowerShell modules. In this exercise, you will learn how to install and update modules that are available to PowerShellGet via the PowerShell Gallery.
Thank you for taking this lab. We hope you learned a lot!
Using PowerShellGet, find and install the ProtectedData module for all users.
Hint #1: Installing modules for all users with PowerShellGet requires elevation.
Hint #2: The verbs for the commands you need can be found in the instructions for this task.
If you get stuck, review the video again, paying close attention to the list of commands that are shown near the end -- the command that you need to use can be found in that list.
If you're really stuck and just can't figure it out, click Done and the video in the next task will show you how this task can be completed.
ShowAutomatically = No|Once|EveryTime
Uri = https://github.com/LearnOnDemandSystems/skunkworks-02-lab/blob/master/videos/01-intro.mp4
ShowAutomatically = No|Once|EveryTime
ShowInDialog = false
Find-Module ProtectedData | Install-Module
VM = NoAction|VMName
FloppyDrive = NoAction|FloppyName|Eject
DVDDrive = NoAction|DVDName|Eject
Click the video camera icon to view the solution, or click Done to continue with the next task.
If you would like the solution entered for you, place your cursor at the PowerShell prompt and click on the caret icon.
ShowAutomatically = No|Once|EveryTime
Uri = http://learnondemandsystems.com/video.mp4
ShowAutomatically = No|Once|EveryTime
ShowInDialog = false
Find-Module ProtectedData | Install-Module
VM = NoAction|VMName
FloppyDrive = NoAction|FloppyName|Eject
DVDDrive = NoAction|DVDName|Eject