A cli script to help you talk in guilds/servers your bot is in!
Why did I make this?
- I made this because I couldn't find an application that did this specifically, only "nukers" and stuff like that. Also I didn't trust other programs as they always felt sketchy. What I've made here is a non sketchy, and simple way to send messages to channels and users using your bot! You can decide the user, guild and the channel in said guild to send a message too.
As of right now it doesn't have a working way with to listen for messages live so unfortuneately it is a one way thing for now.
Make sure to add your bot's token into the .env file first.
git clone https://github.com/therealOri/Bchat.git
cd Bchat
virtualenv bcENV
source bcENV/bin/activate
pip install requirements.txt
python3 bchat.py
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