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CIM's Serverless Stack

This stack is completely serverless and powered by CIM.

It consists of:

  • UI - Static S3 Website, CloudFront, SSL
  • API - API Gateway, Lambda, SSL
  • Async Tasks - SNS, Lambda



  • Install cim
  • Register your domain with Route53
  • Or point your existing domain to Route53
  • Configure '[email protected]' to receive the SSL verification email
    • You will have to confirm this email address. This is annoying and I've asked AWS to remove this step if the domain is used with Route53.

Stack Up

  • Replace '' in ui/_cim.yml and api/_cim.yml with your domain name.
  • Run cim stack-up --recursive=true
  • Run cim lambda-deploy --recursive=true


CI/CD is available for the ui. When enabled all commits to GitHub will trigger CodePipeline to build, test, and deploy your site.

dev stage

You can also deploy a dev environment for testing.

cim stack-up --recursive=true --stage=dev