Having all your medical record stored at one place has always been a challenge, moreover they are more often not available at emergencies. So using uhack, We want to create an application that will store all medical records of the patient , digital copies of x-ray/ct scan, past medical history etc. at one unified database attached the user account through his/her Aadhaar card. Government agencies should be able to access all the medical history in case of emergencies (Like during accidents). Also any medical practitioner should be able to see the past list of injections that a user has taken and past medical history of his/her patient..
Remotely share reports - Reports can be sent to a doctor without visiting the clinic again and again.
Can easily view the medicines needs to be taken at given time
Share diet-chart easily with your family/cook
We plan to use google assistant to easily assist user through voice recognition tasks, also AWS Lambda to easily make it
scalable + seamless performance as. We will also be using Blockchain technology to ensure security to it's best.