$ stack setup
$ stack build
$ createdb herxheim2018
$ env PORT=8080 SLEEPING_LIMIT=120 CAMPING_LIMIT=50 ADMIN_PASSWORD=admin DATABASE_URL='postgres://localhost/herxheim2018' stack exec herxheim2018-exe
The following environment variables need to be set:
(string): A PostgreSQL database connection stringPORT
(number): The port the web server should run onADMIN_PASSWORD
(string): The password for the HTTP basic authentication protected admin areaSLEEPING_LIMIT
(number): The maximum number of people allowed to sleep in the gym/class roomsCAMPING_LIMIT
(number): The maximum number of people allowed to camp
$ createdb herxheim2018_test
$ env DATABASE_URL='postgres://localhost/herxheim2018_test' stack test
The application is currently deployed to Heroku. For deployment run:
$ git remote add heroku https://git.heroku.com/herxheim2018.git
$ git push heroku master