Set your scraper-config.js how you'd like it; according to this format:
"baseUrl": <target website>,
"groups": {
<sub-url of page>
"selector": <jquery selector of parent-most item>,
"outputFile":<output file to make (must be comma delimmited csv)>,
"scrape": {
<field name in camel case>: {
"selector": <jquery selector inside parent selector>,
"name":<name to put on top row of csv (column header)>,
"options": {
"attribute": <attribute on html element, eg: href>,
"prependBaseUrl":<boolean, if you want to add the base url to the beginning>,
"excludeSiblings":<boolean, if you want the text nodes inside a node ignoring the other children elements>
... other field names you want ...
... other groups you want ...
Repo includes example scraping from J&J Cards and Collectibles in Waterloo.
MIT. Go nuts.