This is a fork of smenon/dynamicTopoFvMesh, ported to OpenFOAM-v2112. Currently, the code only compiles, testing + debugging in progress.
The upgrade to OpenFOAM-v2112 includes:
- Update of the RTS structure: this is correct.
- Switch from Xfer to C++ move semantics: runtime errors expected (SEGFAULTS most likely), std::move was used, if it works, there might be an impact on performance efficiency, profiling will be required.
- Updating GeometricField public typedefs: this is correct.
- Updating GeometricField boundary field access member functions: this is correct.
- Ignoring a bunch of deprecation warnings on still suported length checks and constant variable binding - see dynamicTopoFvMesh/Make/options and mesquiteMotionSolver/Make/options: in progress, enabling warnings and cleaning them up, currently only errors were removed.
dynamicTopoFvMesh> wget
More information in Install.txt.
dynamicTopoFvMesh> gunzip mesquite-2.3.0.tar.gz && tar xf mesquite-2.3.0.tar && cd mesquite-2.3.0
mesquite-2.3.0> export CXXFLAGS=-fPIC && ./configure --prefix=$(pwd)
mesquite-2.3.0> make && make install && cd ..
More information in Install.txt.
- Source OpenFOAM-v2112, make sure you use the standard -std=c++2a, edit $WM_PROJECT_DIR/wmake/rules/General/Gcc/c++
CC = g++-10 -std=c++2a
- Export mesquite environment variables for dynamicTopoFvMesh compilation
dynamicTopoFvMesh> export MESQUITE_DIR=$(pwd)/mesquite-2.3.0
dynamicTopoFvMesh> export MESQUITE_LIB_DIR=$MESQUITE_DIR/lib
- Build dynamicTopoFvMesh, tested with g++ (GCC) 11.2.0
dynamicTopoFvMesh> ./Allwmake
An implementation of parallel, adaptive, simplical remeshing for OpenFOAM.
Copyright (C) 2007-2015
Sandeep Menon
University of Massachusetts Amherst.
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see
An implementation of parallel, adaptive, simplical remeshing for OpenFOAM. The source-tree is separated into several classes for convenience:
Mesh class that extends dynamicFvMesh functionality to handle dynamic simplical meshes, which consist of triangle prisms in 2D, and tetrahedra in 3D. Adaptation is driven mainly by mesh-quality and mesh refinement criteria. When used in combination with mesh-smoothing methods, this functionality is expected to suit situations where domain deformation characteristics are not known a-priori. Conservative solution remapping after mesh reconnection is performed automatically. Parallel functionality is also included.
Auxiliary library which is used by dynamicTopoFvMesh to perform a correction to velocity fluxes after mesh reconnection.
Class that provides a general interface to the Mesquite mesh smoothing library from Sandia National Labs. The class also performs smoothing for surface meshes using a spring-analogy approach, and is known to work in parallel.
This code is known to work with OpenFOAM.
Sandeep Menon
University of Massachusetts Amherst
This offering is not approved or endorsed by ESI or OpenCFD Ltd, the producer of the OpenFOAM software and owner of the OpenFOAM and OpenCFD trade marks.