- Introduction
- Dependencies
- Examples
- How to reference
- Journal articles related to ML + CFD
- More useful links
- Other repositories with related content
- Contributors
This repository contains examples of how to use machine learning (ML) algorithms in the field of computational fluid dynamics (CFD). ML algorithms may be applied in different steps during a CFD-based study:
- pre-processing, e.g., for geometry or mesh generation
- run-time, e.g., as a dynamic boundary condition or as a subgrid-scale model
- post-processing, e.g., to create substitute models or to analyze results
Another possible categorization is to distinguish the type of machine learning algorithm, e.g.
- supervised learning: the algorithm creates a mapping between given features and labels, e.g., between the shape of a truck and the drag force acting on it
- unsupervised learning: the algorithm finds labels in the data, e.g., if two particles p1 and p2 are represented by some points on their surface (there is only a list of points, but it is not known to which particle they belong), the algorithm will figure out for each point whether it belongs to p1 or p2
- reinforcement learning: an agent acting in an environment tries to maximize a (cumulative) reward, e.g., an agent setting the solution control of a simulation tries to finish the simulation as quickly as possible, thereby learning to find optimized solution controls for a given set-up (agent: some program modifying the solver settings; environment: the solver reacting on the changes in the settings; reward: the inverse of the time required to complete one iteration)
Currently, there are two supported ways to execute the Jupyter notebooks contained in the notebooks folder:
- via a local installation of Anaconda
- via Google Colab (cloud-based)
Both approaches allow to run the notebooks interactively and to save results.
The notebooks use the following Python packages, which can all be installed via pip or conda:
- Anaconda, Python 3.x version (Link)
- NumPy v1.16, Pandas v0.24.2, Matplotlib v2.2.2, PyTorch v1.0.0, Scikit-Learn 0.19.1 or later versions
To install all packages using pip, run
pip3 install numpy matplotlib pandas scikit-learn
or using the conda installer, run
conda install numpy matplotlib pandas scikit-learn
For PyTorch, it is best to use the graphical selection tool. Example install commands might be
# using pip
pip3 install torch torchvision
# using conda
conda install pytorch torchvision cudatoolkit=9.0 -c pytorch
for systems with Cuda support, or
# using pip
pip3 install https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cpu/torch-1.1.0-cp36-cp36m-linux_x86_64.whl
pip3 install https://download.pytorch.org/whl/cpu/torchvision-0.3.0-cp36-cp36m-linux_x86_64.whl
# using conda
conda install pytorch-cpu torchvision-cpu -c pytorch
for systems without GPU acceleration.
Running notebooks in colab requires to have a Google account (the same account as for Gmail, Google Drive, etc.). Note, that it is also possible to display the notebooks without having an account (but without interactivity). After logging in to colab, notebooks can be directly imported from Github (from this repository):
- File -> Open notebook...
- Select the GITHUB tab
- Search for AndreWeiner
- Select the notebook you want to import
- Click on COPY TO DRIVE
Without the last step, you will still be able to run and modify most of the cells in the notebooks, but you will not be able to run cells which store intermediate results, e.g., model weights. The import windows should look similar to the following:
Running and compiling OpenFOAM+PyTorch applications is enabled via a special Docker image. The Dockerfile to build the image is also available on Github. First, install the latest version of Docker (Ubuntu, CentOS). The image is hosted on Dockerhub and can be downloaded by running
docker pull andreweiner/of_pytorch:of1906-py1.1-cpu
Currently, there is only a version with cpu support. To create and run a new container, go to the OpenFOAM folder and execute the runContainer.sh script:
cd OpenFOAM
To compile or run applications, execute the scripts provided in the respective folders from within the container.
- classification: path regime classification of rising bubbles
- regression: 2D shape approximation
- regression: instantaneous 3D shape approximation
- outlier detection: Removing volume fragments from VOF simulations
If you found useful examples in this repository, you may consider referring to the following article:
author = {Weiner, Andre and Hillenbrand, Dennis and Marschall, Holger and Bothe, Dieter},
title = {Data-driven subgrid-scale modeling for convection-dominated concentration boundary layers},
journal = {Chemical Engineering \& Technology},
- Nonlinear mode decomposition with machine learning for fluid dynamics (2019)
- Synthetic turbulent inflow generator using machine learning (2019)
- Super-resolution reconstruction of turbulent flows with machine learning (2019)
- Data‐driven subgrid‐scale modeling for convection‐dominated concentration boundary layers (2019)
- Artificial neural networks trained through deep reinforcement learning discover control strategies for active flow control (2019), GITHUB
- Turbulence Modeling in the Age of Data (2019)
- Deep learning in fluid dynamics (2017)