When I fresh re-install my computer, I'm all the time googling a lot to retrieve the name of the package I was missing. I write all of them inside a .ini file and then I use my app to install them.
This app is only usable on debian-like operating systems (when apt is provided). It's not intended to become an industrial software, but only to provide a few functionalities.
pyqt4, distutils2 and python-apt are required:
sudo apt-get install pyqt4-dev-tools python-apt python-setuptools sudo easy_install distutils2
Download its tar.gz file (download link):
wget https://github.com/tonthon/packages/tarball/master tar -zxf packages.tar.gz
cd packages/ sudo make install
Then you can launch it:
sudo qpackage
Installation rights are needed to launch the application (that's why we use sudo).
A default inifile (mine) is provided. Syntax:
[section] packagename=packagedescription