✨ My first react project 'Emotion Diary' deployed with firebase
- To learn react & javascript
- Props
- State
- Hooks
- LifeCycle
- React Router v6
- Webpack & Babel
- Learn about Firebase
- Google Fonts
- Latest, Oldest selection
- Emotion level selection
- Organize Diarys by year, month, day
- buttons with React Router V6 (Links, Navigator)
- Mobile UI & UX
- Calendar
- Emotion Box selection
- Diary box with some restriction (at least 5 words required)
- Cancle button with React Router
- Create button saving in Local Storage
Same with other components
Same with other components
State, Props, Hooks, React Router
Need to study Javascript more because I had some difficult with some hooks & ES6 grammar
This was good course to learn React State & Props & Components
I deployed my project with Firebase first time but It wasn't that hard.
Tried to use Webpack, Bable. 'npm run build'