is a timeseries service.
$ rebar3 compile
Current directory should be timeseries
Start server.
$ rebar3 shell
Add timeseries examples (dummy, dummy2). In the rebar3 shell: $ timeseries_server:save(timeseries_fixtures:timeseries(dummy)). $ timeseries_server:save(timeseries_fixtures:timeseries(dummy2)). The output sholud be
. -
Open the index.html. In a browser (preferably Firefox): http://localhost:8080/index.html
+1. Other urls:
- http://localhost:8080/info - information about timeseries in the server
- http://localhost:8080/download/xxx - timeseries xxx. E.g http://localhost:8080/download/dummy
- http://localhost:8080/motion-collector