Mobile - Send BTC
Past due by 3 months
97% complete
As a user I would like to be able to send coins via mobile app in order to be able to manage my funds.
Recipient address (mandatory field)
- User can insert the recipient address
- Manually
- Via scanning the QR code
- Inserting from clipboard
- from photo library
- When user inserts wrong address, he is informed that the address is invalid
- Recipient address is v…
As a user I would like to be able to send coins via mobile app in order to be able to manage my funds.
Recipient address (mandatory field)
- User can insert the recipient address
- Manually
- Via scanning the QR code
- Inserting from clipboard
- from photo library
- When user inserts wrong address, he is informed that the address is invalid
- Recipient address is validated
- BTC format (address formats - Segwit, Legacy, Legacy Segwit, Taproot)
- Checksum
- Length
Amount (mandatory field)
- User can insert amount in FIAT or BTC
- If user has satoshis as displayed format, he sees also amount in satoshi
- When user inserts amount in FIAT, it is reflected in BTC and vice versa
- When user inserts amount above his balance, he is informed
- When user inserts amount below dust, he is informed
- When user wants send max, balance is calculated as balance-normal fee
- FIAT input respects the user settings, if user has default currency USD, he inserts amount in USD
Mining fee
- Default mining fee is set to Normal
- User can pick between Low, Normal and High fee
- If user picks fee and it exceeds the balance, he is informed he must either choose lower fee or change the amount
- User sees the Total including amount and fee
When user is done with inserting data, he can continue to Review&Sign the transaction
If user leaves the form, data in inputs are not cleared unless user clear them by himself or kill the app completely
Review&Sign the transaction
- User is prompted to compare the recipient address displayed on Trezor Device against the original source
- When user confirms the recipient address on Trezor, he continues to Confirming amount
- When user confirms amount, he continues to Confirm total including fee
- When user Sign the transaction on Trezor device, he can Send (finalise) the transaction in the app
- When user sends the transaction, transaction is proceeded to mempool to be mined
- User is redirected to detail of the transaction
Transaction sent
- When transaction is sent in the mobile app, user sees the status of the transaction Pending
- When transaction is confirmed, it is marked as Confirmed