This is an implementation of parts of the (as yet incomplete) Secure QR Login Specification implemented in C as a PHP extension. Currently only tested on 64bit linux systems.
This is much faster than it's pure PHP counterpart... Passes all 1024 tests in 0.35 seconds total on an old Core 2 machine.
- Generate Secret Key (bad rng, not for production work)
- Derive Public Key from Secret Key
- Sign Message
- Verify Message Signature
- Encode/Decode base64url
- Create QR code image (png)
- Linux build environment (autotools, etc)
- php5
- php5-dev
- libqrencode
- libpng
- Download, configure, and make:
git clone
cd php-ext-sqrl
phpize && ./configure && make
- Run Tests:
make test
- Install:
sudo make install
- Enable the sqrl extension in php.ini:
- Encode / Decode base64url
$encoded = sqrl_encode( $plain );
$decoded = sqrl_decode( $encoded );
$decoded == plain // true
- Verify Signature
$result = sqrl_verify( $message, $signature, $pk );
// $message = plain text of signed message
// $signature = base64url-encoded signature
// $pk = base64url-encoded Public Key
- Create QR code image
header( 'content-type: image/png' );
sqrl_code_png( $content );
// Encodes $content into a QR code image and output that image.
- crypto code is from ed25519-donna.
This software is Public Domain.