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Frege VSCode

VSCode language client for frege.


Head over to the Frege IDE docs website.


  1. Download the latest version .vsix file from Releases.
  2. Install the extension with code --install-extension <path to downloaded extension.vsix> or via the Command Palette (Ctrl/Cmd+Shift+P) Install from VSIX....

Language Server Features


If you save or open a frege file with errros then the compiler warnings or errors are displayed in the problem tab of the extension host.



Whenever you hover over the first word of a line (which is usually a function), you will see its type signature in a popup.


Plugin Features


  • Gradle and Gradle wrapper. Run gradle wrapper in the Frege root project dir.
  • A Frege project setup with Frege Gradle Plugin >= 1.5.0. See examples.

Run & Repl Code Lens

If a Frege file contains a main function, then a code lens with Run and Repl appears.

  • If you click on the Run Code Lens, then the main function is executed.
  • If you click on the Repl Code Lens, then the Frege Repl with all the specified dependencies is started in a new terminal. Also, it copies the command to load the current file to your clipboard so that you only need to paste it into the Repl for a blazingly fast experience:smiley:.

How to Contribute

  • Add more tests and features:smiley:.

Local Setup

  • Install nodejs 14.x
  • git clone
  • npm install

How to Debug the Client

  • Open the project's root folder in vscode.
  • Run the Release Frege debug task by pressing run -> start debugging or just press f5.

This downloads the frege lsp server and starts both the frege client and server. See the extension.ts code for more details.

A second vscode instance, called Extension development host is started.

Open any .fr file in the extension development host and try to code some correct Frege functions.

How to Debug the Client and a Local Frege Server Version

  1. Git clone (
  2. Make some changes to the frege lsp server.
  3. Run ./gradlew installDist and note the startScript path in <yourRoot>/build/install/frege-lsp-server/bin/frege-lsp-server.
  4. Set the LOCAL_FREGE_SERVER_PATH in launch.json to the value in step 3.
  5. Run the Local Frege LSP debug task.

How to Debug the Client and a Local Frege Server Version end-to-end with Java Breakpoints in the Server

  1. Follow How to Debug the Client and a Local Frege Server Version.

  2. Add the following launch.json to the Frege-lsp-server project:

	"version": "0.2.0",
	"configurations": [
			"type": "java",
			"name": "Attach to Frege LSP Server for Debugging",
			"request": "attach",
			"hostName": "localhost",
			"port": 6008
  1. Set a java breakpoint in the Frege LSP code.
  2. Run the Local Frege LSP with Java Debugging debug task.
  3. Trigger an LSP event in the client.
  4. Watch how the breakpoint is automatically hit.
  5. Debug

How to Run the Client Unit tests


How to Use Behind Corporate Proxy

  • Make sure that the https_proxy variable is set.
  • If you also have self-signed certificates you need to include them by setting export NODE_EXTRA_CA_CERTS=<path to your self-signed CA certs>.


VSCode LSP Client for Frege







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