A vector image plugin for Unity3D GUI to render Material Design Icons
This is a free plugin for you to use vector images such as Material Design Icon with UGUI.
- Clone this repository,
- Open your project in Unity, import UGUI Material Design Icon.unitypackage,
- Go to GameObjects -> UI -> Vector Icon to create a new Icon UI element,
- Proceed to next section.
Feels free to fork or submit issues. I believe free softwares should always available for free. A big plan is to implement all Material Design guidelines in UGUI, I will continue to add more features to this repository if I am capable. Any kind of help is appreciated.
E-mail : [email protected].
If you have any question about this repository the most efficient way would be submit an issue.
This plugin was written by QI HaoYan, Material Design icon font was orginally release by Google under the [Apache License Version 2.0]
I have made these plugin available for you to incorporate them into your products under the Apache License Version 2.0. Feel free to remix and re-share these icons and documentation in your products. I'd love attribution in your app's about screen, but it's not required. The only thing I ask is that you not re-sell these Plugins.