A RESTful application created using Spring Boot. The application helps manage orders, services and products, as well as calculate wages and the cost of the order.
- Creation of new entities such as: Car, Owner, Product, Master, Service, Order.
- Calculation of the cost of the Order.
- Calculation and issuance of wages to the Master.
- Editing Entity Data.
- Changing Order/Service statuses.
- Spring Boot
- JDK 17
- Apache Maven
- PostgreSQL
- JPA, Hibernate
- Swagger
- Docker
Reads POST/GET requests and use autowired services, mappers and DTO for create and return response.@Service:
Interacts with DAO level and contains business logic.@Repository
or DAO level: interacts with database.- 'Data tier': data store/retrieve layer.
- POST: /cars - creates a new car entity and saves it to db;
- PUT: /cars/{id} - updates all car fields by its id;
- POST: /masters - creates a new master entity and saves it to db;
- PUT: /masters/{id} - updates all master fields by its id;
- GET: /masters/{id}/orders - returns all master orders by its id;
- POST: /orders - creates a new order entity and saves it to db;
- PUT: /orders/{id} - updates all order fields by its id;
- PUT: /orders/{id}/add-product - adds product id to product ids list of order by its id;
- PUT: /orders/{id}/status - updates order status by its id;
- GET: /orders/{id}/cost - calculates final price of order by its id;
- POST: /owners - creates a new car entity and saves it to db;
- PUT: /owners/{id} - updates all owner fields by its id;
- GET: /owners/{id}/orders - returns all owner orders by its id;
- POST: /products - creates a new product entity and saves it to db;
- PUT: /products/{id} - updates all product fields by its id;
- POST: /services - creates a new service entity and saves it to db;
- PUT: /services/{id} - updates all service fields by its id;
- PUT: /services/{id}/status - updates service status by its id;