A RESTful cinema service where you can search for movies and movie sessions. As a user, you can add tickets to your cart and then purchase them. As an admin, you can manage data records.
- Login/logout users
- Register new Usrts
- Roles with rights: User/Admin
- User right:
- Request:
- Own orders
- Own cart
- Available movie sessions
- List of cinema halls
- Lst of movies
- Request:
- Admin rights:
- Request:
- List of cinema halls
- Lst of movies
- Available movie sessions
- Users by email
- Add:
- Cinema halls
- Movies
- Movie sessions
- Update:
- Movie sessions
- Delete:
- Movie sessions
- Request:
- Data encryption
- Login/register validation
- JDK 17
- Spring Core, Spring Web, Spring Security
- JPA, Hibernate
- Apache Maven
- MySQL 8
- Tomcat 9
The project is divided into several logical levels:
Reads POST/GET requests and use autowired services, mappers and DTO for create and return response.@Service:
Interacts with DAO level and contains business logic.@Repository
or DAO level: interacts with database.
You can find setup guide in guthub wiki.